PHRM 764 Pharmaceutics I Lab-Compounding

This lab course is designed for PY2 students to apply some of the basic principles and concepts they learned from physical pharmacy (Pharmaceutics 1) as a means of performing pharmaceutical compounding. This course will emphasize an understanding of the formulation and physiological factors involved in the delivery and absorption of drugs through a variety of routes of administration and dosage forms. The formulation, stability, and packaging of various dosage forms will be studied. Students will learn and experience preparing some traditional solid dosage forms like tablets, capsules, powders, lozenges, and suppositories. It will also emphasize the preparation of some liquid dosage forms including solutions and suspensions. Semisolids such as creams, pastes, ointments and emulsions will also be emphasized and prepared in the lab. Additionally the student will also utilize and apply their pharmaceutical calculation skills, which they began acquiring or developing from the previous year. For example in a compounding pharmacy, the pharmacists must know and frequently perform the necessary mathematical calculations to determine the amount of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and excipients needed to prepare and produce a particular dosage form and product strength. Furthermore the pharmacist must also understand and know how to perform the calculations necessary for evaluating and determining drug encapsulation efficiency, product weight uniformity, and drug release rate from the prepared product. Accuracy (and or proficiency) of interpretation of a prescription and subsequent processing of the product label will be covered as well.
