College of Nursing and Health Sciences


Allison Davis (2012). Interim Dean CONHS, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Professor of Nursing. B.S.N., Middle Tennessee State University; M.S.N., Union University; D.N.P., Vanderbilt University.

Shari Wherry (2012). Associate Dean, Graduate Programs. Professor of Nursing. B.S.N., Austin Peay State University; M.S.N., Belmont University; D.N.P., Union University. 

Brad Creekmore (2017). Chair of Nurse Practitioner Tracks. Associate Professor of Nursing. B.S., University of Tennessee at Martin; B.S.N., M.S.N., and D.N.P., Union University.

Ross Palmer (2020). Chair of Nurse Anesthesia, Assistant Professor of Nursing. B.S.N., Union University; MS in Anesthesia, Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia; D.N.P., Union University.

Jordan Palmer (2022). Assistant Chair of Nurse Anesthesia, Assistant Professor of Nursing. B.S.N., Jacksonville State University; M.S.N. in Nurse Anesthesia, University of New England; D.N.P., University of Alabama.

Christina Davis (2014). Chair of Nursing Education, Administration and Executive Leadership. Assistant Professor of Nursing. B.S.N., M.S.N., and D.N.P., Union University.

Jonathan Allen (2012). Director for Athletic Training Education and Assistant Professor of Athletic Training. B.S., Ball State University; M.A., Ball State University; PhD., Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions

Retha Coetzee (2020). Coordinator of Nurse Anesthesia Program; Human Resource Management Program, University of South Africa. 

Joy Watkins (2018). Program Coordinator of Graduate Nursing (non-anesthesia). A.S., Jackson State Community College; B.B.A., University of Memphis.

Nursing Degrees Offered

Master of Science in Nursing 

MSN with previously earned Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree

  • Nursing Administration (online)
  • Nursing Education (online)
  • Nurse Practitioner (Family, Psychiatric Mental Health) {Online, Synchronous, Asynchronous}

Post-graduate Certificate

  • Nursing Administration (online)
  • Nursing Education (online)
  • Nurse Practitioner (Family, Psychiatric Mental Health) {Online, Synchronous, Asynchronous}

Doctor of Nursing Practice

BSN to DNP with previously earned Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree

  • Executive Leadership  (online with scheduled on-campus intensives)
  • Nurse Practitioner (Family, Psychiatric Mental Health) {Online, Synchronous, Asynchronous}
  • Nurse Anesthesia

CRNA to DNP for licensed, certified CRNAs who do not hold the Master’s degree

Post-graduate DNP (intended for Nurse Leaders and post-certification NPs and CRNAs; offered online with scheduled on-campus intensives)

  • Executive Leadership 
  • Nurse Practitioner (Family, Psychiatric Mental Health)
  • Nurse Anesthesia


  • Nursing Administration
  • Nursing Education

Dual Degree Options

Dual degree options are available for MSN or DNP students in the Administrative and Executive Leadership and postgraduate DNP tracks. These options include:

The MBA option does require a bachelor’s degree prior to being enrolled. Applicants to dual degrees must apply to and be accepted to each program separately, per current admission requirements of each program

Athletic Training Degrees Offered

Master of Athletic Training 

Mission Statement for the College of Nursing and Health Sciences

The Union University College of Nursing and Health Sciences exists to prepare Christ-centered professionals who engage their hearts, minds, souls, and bodies in striving for excellence in healthcare to promote human flourishing.