School of Theology and Missions

Ray F. Van Neste (1997-98, 2001). Vice President for University Ministries, Dean for the School of Theology and Missions and Professor of Biblical Studies. B.A., Union University; M.A., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Ph.D., University of Aberdeen. 

Karen Jones (2022). Administrative Assistant to the Dean for the School of Theology and Missions. A.B., Jackson State Community College. 

Justin Wainscott (2023). Associate Dean for the School of Theology and Missions and University Ministries, Assistant Professor of Ministry. B.A., Union University; M.Div., Beeson Divinity School; D.Min., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Mark Catlin (2019) Director for MCS, Theology and Missions and Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies. Ph.D, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; M.Div., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; M.A., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; B.A., Samford University.

A list of faculty who teach in graduate programs is available online at

Degrees Offered

Available Online and on the Memphis area campuses

Mission Statement

The School of Theology and Missions exists to advance the Kingdom of God through theological education by integrating rigorous academics, skill in teaching, deep devotion to Christ and His Church, and a commitment to reaching the nations with the gospel.