PHRM 727 Institute on Alchoholism and Drug Dependencies (BPE)

This course serves as an introductory or refresher session and a networking opportunity to provide information, motivation and guidance for pharmacists or student pharmacists who currently participate in or wish to become involved in the planning, implementation, or strengthening of state-level and campus-level programs, to help and assist pharmacists or student pharmacists whose competence to perform their responsibilities has become impaired due to alcoholism or other drug dependencies by assisting them in finding treatment, ongoing recovery and reentry into the practice of pharmacy or their pharmacy education; and to better prepare attendees to provide appropriate assistance and support to clients affected by alcoholism and other drug dependencies. Students may only be enrolled in this course after acceptance into the Institute on Alcoholism and Drug Dependencies by the American Pharmacists Association and are only eligible to receive elective credit upon completion of the institute requirements and course requirements. Institute completion requirements include one week of on-site training in Salt Lake City at the University of Utah.
