Union University

Course Offerings in Worship Leadership (WL)

( ) Hours Credit; F–Fall, S–Spring; Su–Summer

202. Biblical Foundations of Worship (3) F

Overview of Old and New Testament practices and principles related to worship.

206. Technology in Worship (2) S

Prerequisites: WL 202

Survey of current technology applicable to modern worship leadership, including sound reinforcement, video projection, and electronic media, and a critical analysis of their application.

302. Worship Team Techniques (2) F

Principles of the development and performance practice of contemporary music ensembles for worship. Students learn the importance of building and developing the rhythm section, modern instrumental ensembles, and vocal teams. Additional time is spent on rehearsal and performance technique and the use of rhythm section with vocal ensemble.

303. Techniques for Worship Orchestra and Choir (2) S

Prerequisites: CMU 210.

This is a methods class that deals with principles and processes for building vocal and instrumental ensembles in traditional and non-traditional settings. Attention is given to the role of the vocal and instrumental musician, pedagogy for adult singers and instrumentalists, repertoire development, and processes for nurturing large vocal and instrumental ensembles.

305. Theology and Practice of Worship (3) F

Prerequisites: WL 202 and WL 206

Exploration of a wide array of philosophies pertaining to Christian worship and how each affects elements of corporate worship. The ultimate goal is the development of a personal, working theology of worship. Practicum Included: Students will attend a determined number of worship services at churches (3-5) of diverse sizes, styles, and constituencies. Each experience will culminate with a report on the practices of the worship service and the theology exhibited through them.

315. History of Christian Worship and Song (3) S

Examination of various practices in Christian worship from the early Church to present day. While a myriad of worship actions will be surveyed, particular attention will be given to the development and utilization of music in public and private worship settings.

399. Junior Worship Music Program (1) F, S

Prerequisites: Completion of sophomore board. Approval of the student's program coordinator.

A faculty-supervised and student-coordinated 30-40 minute program devoted to the presentation of literature representative of modern Evangelical worship. The student must demonstrate ability to perform in and organize a program to include a variety of media, Scripture, lighting, video, rhythm section, and praise team. Other creative elements may be utilized including but not limited to drama, dance, orchestra, choir, and visual arts. The student’s final worship program must be approved by faculty committee.

402. Worship Leadership Administration (3) F

Prerequisites: WL 315

Examination of necessary skills and helpful tools of the worship leader that are not directly related to the implementation of corporate worship. These include budgeting, conflict management, personal, professional and spiritual development, and team building. Practicum Included: Students will attend a spectrum of committee meetings, staff meetings, business sessions, and portions of routine work days at an assigned church, for a designated number of hours (20) under the supervision of the course instructor and the pastor or designated minister. Each experience will culminate with a report on the activities observed and the impact each activity had on corporate worship and the overall life of the church.

410. Worship in Diverse Contexts (3) S

Prerequisite: WL 402

Consideration of diverse contexts of worship and applications within varied contexts of concepts, skills and philosophies learned during the Worship Leadership curriculum. Topics will include diversity of ages, cultures, socio-economic conditions, and international settings. Practicum Included: Students will participate in worship services at a determined number of churches (2-3) under the supervision of the course instructor and the pastors or designated ministers at each location. Each experience will culminate with a report on the demographics of the particular congregation, the actions of worship, and the cause and effect of each action according to the demographic.

484. Worship Leadership Internship (2) F, S, Su

Prerequisites: WL 402 and WL 410

Capstone experience to include a full spectrum of Worship Leadership activities within the context of a local congregation and under the supervision of a designated faculty member and qualified full-time pastor or appropriate ministry staff member.

499. Senior Worship Music Program (1) F, S

Prerequisites: Completion of sophomore board and junior-level applied study. Approval of the student's program coordinator.

A faculty-supervised and student-coordinated 45-60 minute program devoted to the presentation of literature representative of modern Evangelical worship. The student must demonstrate ability to perform in and organize a program to include a variety of media, Scripture, lighting, video, rhythm section, and praise team. Other creative elements may be utilized including but not limited to drama, dance, orchestra, choir, and visual arts. The student’s final worship program must be approved by faculty committee.

100, 200, 300, 400. Worship Leadership Lab (1) F, S

Prerequisite: 2 semesters of previous Department of Music ensemble experience

A non-performance ensemble designed for those preparing to utilize musical skills to lead others in worship. Primary focus will be placed on the planning, rehearsing, and leading of contemporary worship music.