McAfee School of Business


Daniel Slater (2010). Dean for the McAfee School of Business and Professor of Management. B.A., Central Bible College; M.B.A., Missouri State University. Ph.D., University of Arkansas.

Brooke Glover Emery (2010). Associate Dean for the McAfee School of Business and Associate Professor of Marketing, Director of Accreditation, Director of Internships. B.A., Rhodes College; M.B.A., Union University.


Katherine King (2022). Administrative Assistant. B.A., Union University.

Gabrielle Frase (2023). Director for Graduate Business Programs. B.A., University of Memphis. 

Naomi Van Nes (2021). Recruitment Specialist and Marketing Coordinator. B.S., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.B.A., Mercer University.

Susan Bolyard (2007). Academic Secretary, Graduate Business Programs.

Mission Statement

Developing business leaders to fulfill their purpose in Christ and society

Developing business leaders is central to the mission of the McAfee School of Business. Academic excellence is fundamental to developing people who are strong in their functional area and leaders in business. In the McAfee School of Business, we will focus on disciplinary knowledge and high- impact practices such as collaborative projects, research, community-based learning, internships, and course projects. Being future-directed, we believe business leaders will develop from functional knowledge and opportunities to practice business with faculty supervision.

Business provides a unique opportunity for business leaders to fulfill their purpose in Christ. Paul spent time in the marketplace (Acts 17:17) so that he might join in conversation with the people of his day. To prepare our students to be Christ-centered in the modern-day marketplace, we focus on faith integration, which includes faith practices such as modeling Christ-like business decisions, integrating Biblical lessons with business, developing meaningful interactions with students, and praying for students.

The people-focus of the McAfee School of Business is exhibited through strong student-faculty interaction and faith integration which prepare students to fulfill their purpose in society. This is exhibited through the development of programs based upon business community needs, superior career outcomes, and the ongoing success of our students.


Santhosh Abraham (2018). Professor of Accounting and Director of Assessment. B.B.A., Assumption University - Bangkok, Thailand; M.Sc. and Ph.D., University of Exeter-UK. 

Chris Manner (2009). Professor of Economics. B.S., University of Tennessee, Martin; Ph.D., Vanderbilt University.

Karen C. Miller (1997). James and Shirley Porter Endowed Chair in Business, and University Professor of Accounting. B.S.B.A., Freed Hardeman University; M.Acc., University of Tennessee, Martin; Ph.D., University of Mississippi; C.P.A.

Duncan Nicol (2016). Associate Professor of Marketing. B.S. and M.B.A., Union University; Ph.D., University of Mississippi.

April Rowsey (2021). Assistant Professor of Management. B.S., University of Arkansas; M.B.A., Baylor University; M.Ed., Vanderbilt University; D.B.A., University of Dallas.

Valerie Townsend (2021). Accounting Discipline Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Accounting. B.B.A., University of Miami; M.B.A., Tennessee State University; M.Acc., Union University; J.D., University of Tennessee.

Colene Trent (2013). Professor of Economics. B.B.A. and M.B.A., University of North Alabama; Ph.D., University of Mississippi.

Kevin Westbrook (2008). Professor of Marketing. B.S., M.B.A., and Ph.D., University of Memphis.

Joseph Xu (2018). Associate Professor of Marketing, B.M. and M.M., Zhongnan University; Ph.D., Xiamen University; Ph.D. Old Dominion University.


The McAfee School of Business offers majors in Accounting and Business Administration, leading to the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, as well as a major in Economics with either a B.A. or B.S. option. Majors in Accounting and Business Administration are required to complete the General Core Curriculum and major requirements as detailed below. Majors in Business Administration will choose a concentration from Economics, Finance, International Business, Management, or Marketing. Students majoring in Business Administration may not minor in the same area as their concentration. The student seeking Tennessee Teacher Licensure in business subjects will select an appropriate major and complete the Professional Education Minor; details are shown below under “Teacher Licensure.”

A minimum grade of C is required in all upper-level courses within the school of business majors and/or minors. B.S.B.A. students must select MAT 111 or higher for General Core Mathematics and ECO 211 for Behavioral Sciences General Core requirements.

Students pursuing a degree outside the McAfee School of Business and not pursuing the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration may not apply more than 31 hours in the areas of accounting, business administration, economics, finance, management, or marketing toward their degree requirements. Such students are cautioned against pursuing multiple minors if the minors will be used to satisfy degree requirements. Students pursuing the Bachelor of Art or the Bachelor of Science and majoring in Economics will only count ECO 211 and ECO 212 of the economics requirements as business hours for the purpose of determining the 31-hour limit.

Tennessee Valley Authority’s Investment Challenge is a unique, innovative partnership between TVA and Union University as one of 24 universities in its service territory that provides a real-world learning experience in portfolio management. Participation can be voluntary or through enrollment in FIN 416.

Similarly, participation in Enactus can be formally experienced for credit through BAD 300 or on a voluntary basis. Enactus is a social entrepreneurship organization. Involvement in Enactus is open to all Union University students and can be experienced through BAD 300 for 0-2 credit hours.

Assessment of Majors

A comprehensive Assurance of Learning program has been developed by the School of Business. This assessment program is utilized to determine that the learning goals established by the School of Business have been met.

Proficiency in accounting, economics, finance, management, marketing, and quantitative concepts, and their integration are assessed through the Major Field test. Each student pursuing a B.S.B.A. degree will take this test in MGT 445, which is the capstone course for the degree.

Fifth-Year MBA and MAcc Programs

Qualified undergraduate students have the opportunity to complete the Master of Business Administration or the Master of Accountancy in a fifth year after their undergraduate degree completion. See the graduate catalogue for details.

Student Organizations

Enactus. Enactus is a team of students teaching the community how market economics and businesses operate. It is a partnership between higher education and business, building career connections between college students and the business community.

Finance Club. The Finance Club is a Financial Management Association International Student Chapter. The Finance Club aims to strengthen your involvement and understanding of financial markets through commitment to promoting the formation of meaningful professional relationships.

American Marketing Association (AMA) is a student-led marketing club which provides aspiring professionals with access to resources, education, and professional development opportunities through real-world experience, exploration of the marketing field and connections with professionals. AMA is open to all students, regardless of major, who are interested in marketing. AMA is the world's largest and most comprehensive professional society for marketers with nearly 45,000 members in 100 countries.

Student Awards

Alpha Mu Alpha. Alpha Mu Alpha is the national marketing honorary for qualified undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral marketing students, and marketing faculty. Under the auspices of the American Marketing Association (AMA), a selected advisory committee of marketing educators designed the recognition program to acknowledge outstanding scholastic achievement on a highly competitive basis. The objective of Alpha Mu Alpha is to recognize marketing students with outstanding scholastic achievement.

Walton and Kathryn Padelford Endowed Ethics Award. This award is given to a McAfee School of Business senior who best exemplifies the study and application of ethics to their business field of endeavor.

Jeanette Pieron Proctor Aspiring Accountant Award. To be eligible for this award, a student must be a declared accounting major who is in the process of completing ACC 212 and has an overall GPA of 3.00 or better. The recipient will be selected by the accounting faculty. The recipient will be required to enroll in ACC 313 when next offered.

Curtiss E. Scott Business Excellence Award. To be eligible for this award, a student must be classified as a senior McAfee School of Business student with a GPA of 3.00 or better. The McAfee School of Business faculty select the final recipient from the nomination list.

Omicron Delta Epsilon Economics Honor Society. Omicron Delta Epsilon is one of the world’s largest academic honor societies. The objectives of Omicron Delta Epsilon are recognition of scholastic attainment and the honoring of outstanding achievements in economics; the establishment of closer ties between students and faculty in economics within colleges and universities, and among colleges and universities; the publication of its official journal, The American Economist; and sponsoring of panels at professional meetings as well as the Irving Fisher and Frank W. Taussig competitions. Omicron Delta Epsilon has 652 chapters located in the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Puerto Rico, South Africa, Egypt, France, and United Arab Emirates. Omicron Delta Epsilon plays a prominent role in the annual Honors Day celebrations at many colleges and universities.


There are several business-related scholarships. These scholarships are administered through the Office of Student Financial Planning. Typically, the Dean's office requests applications in the spring.