Union University

School of Social Work


Todd Stanfield (2007). Dean for the School of Social Work and Professor of Social Work. B.S.W. and M.S.W., University of Alabama; Ph.D., University of Tennessee.

Katrinna Matthews (2015). Associate Dean, Director for M.S.W. Programs, and Associate Professor of Social Work. B.S.S.W., University of Mississippi; M.S.S.W., University of Tennessee, Memphis; M.Ed., University of Mississippi; D.S.W., St. Thomas University; LAPSW.



Stephanie Townsend (2020). Director of Marketing and Continuing Education. B.A.S.W., University of Memphis.

Andrea Richardson (2021). Program Coordinator, School of Social Work. B.S., Andrews University. 

Cheryl B. Hall (2022). Administrative Assistant and Coordinator, School of Social Work Programs— Jackson Campus.

Mission Statement

The mission of the BSW Program is to prepare competent and effective professionals for leadership as social work practitioners. In a context of Christian higher education, the program fosters compassionate service, promotes social and economic justice, and equips students for excellence in social work practice in entry level professional positions.

Graduates work in a diversity of public and private settings, including child advocacy and welfare, children and youth counseling, school social work, medical social work, church social work, missions, foster care and adoptions, geriatric social work, and mental health. The major also emphasizes preparation for graduate study. Graduates from the BSW program are eligible to apply for advanced standing in graduate programs leading to a master’s in social work degree, MSW.


Jerome Blakemore (2021). Professor of Social Work. B.S., Western Illinois University; M.S.W., Western Michigan University; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago.

Jason Cox (2020). Associate Professor of Social Work and Field Education Coordinator. B.S.W., Union University; M.S.S.W., University of Tennessee, Knoxville. LMSW

Karen Dotson (2016). Associate Professor of Social Work. BA, University of Memphis; MSSW, University of Tennessee; MBA, University of Memphis. LCSW

Meghan Larson (2021). Associate Professor of Social Work. B.S.W., Union University; M.S.W., University of Georgia; Ph.D., Walden University. LCSW

Tammy Patton (2012). Associate Professor of Social Work. B.S., Lambuth University, M.S.S.W., University of Tennessee at Memphis; EdD, Union University; LCSW

Virginia Schwindt (2009). Associate Professor of Social Work and Director of Field Education—Jackson. B.B.S., Hardin-Simmons University; M.S.S.W., University of Texas at Arlington; LCSW

Jill Wells (2020). Associate Professor of Social Work. B.A.S.W., Olivet Nazarene University; M.S.S.W., University of Texas, Arlington. LAPSW

Beth Wilson (2009). Professor of Social Work. B.S.W., Philadelphia Biblical University; M.S.W., University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Ph.D., University of Tennessee. LCSW

Admission Requirements to the Social Work Program

A student may declare a major in Social Work upon admission to the University. Prior to the junior year, the student makes an application for entry into the program. The following are requirements for admission to the program in the sophomore year:

  • Complete an application form.
  • One faculty reference, one personal reference.
  • Have at least 2.5 cumulative SW GPA.
  • Complete SW 200 and SW 310 with at least a grade of “C.” These may be taken in the first semester after admission to the program, though it is advisable to complete them prior to program admission.
  • Complete an interview with the Social Work Program Admissions Committee. Knowingly making a false oral or written statement during the admission process can result in denial of admission to the program. The Social Work Program Admissions Committee may require outside evaluations, assessments, and/or opinions of professionals as is deemed necessary.
  • Possess these personal qualities: Self-awareness, empathy, objectivity, appreciation of diversity, professional commitment, and a liberal arts base of knowledge.
  • Sign a statement indicating that he/she has read and will follow the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers.

Assessment of Majors

Students must complete SW 490 with a minimum of 424 clock hours in an approved social service agency during their senior year. Students must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA and at least a 2.5 social work GPA to enroll in SW 490 and SW 423. For graduation, SW 490 must be completed with a passing grade and SW 408, SW 409, SW 410, and SW 423 with a B or higher. SW 423 helps the student integrate and evaluate all the knowledge, values and skills covered in previous coursework.

Senior SW majors must complete a senior capstone integrative project that demonstrates the student's competency of the program learning objectives.

The program does not grant social work course credit for life experience or previous work experience.

General Information

The Social Work Program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education, 333 John Carlyle Street, Suite 400 Alexandria, VA 22314

The Director of the BSW Program is responsible for overall administration of the Program. The director is available during office hours to answer questions regarding the program, employment opportunities, professional associations and licensures, and other questions related to the social work profession.

The Field Director has primary responsibility for the field education component of the Program including implementation of field processes and procedures and maintaining effective working relationships with sites, field instructors, and students.

Agency Field Instructors supplement the educational program in social work by providing supervision to senior students who are completing 424 hours of field work in an approved agency. These instructors provide on-the-job instruction and supervision, hold regular conferences with the student, and assist in the evaluation of student performance and learning. A fee of $100 is charged to the student the semester they are enrolled in SW 423, Senior Seminar.

A student who is completing agency field experiences as part of the requirements in social work practice courses will be required to purchase Professional Liability Insurance. The annual fee, approximately $25.00, will be charged to the student’s account during the semester in which he/she is registered for these courses.

The BSW Program Student Handbook, available in the office of the Director and on the School of Social Work website (www.uu.edu/socialwork), describes all aspects of the program including an introduction to the profession, Union's program objectives and goals, curriculum, admission and termination/ probation policies, transfer policies specific to CSWE accredited and non-accredited schools, grievance procedures, student organizations, and student rights and responsibilities. The Handbook details, in full, the circumstances under which the student may be placed on probation or terminated from the program, if, in the professional judgment of the Social Work faculty, violations of professional or ethical codes have occurred or in the event of unacceptable academic achievement.

The Bachelor of Social Work and the Bachelor of Science in Social Organization are also available as an Adult Studies program. See Adult Studies/Bachelor of Social Work.

Social Work Agency Agreements

All social work majors are required to obtain professional social work field experience in a local community agency. Numerous local social service agencies provide the setting for this practicum. The BSW Field Instruction Manual clarifies expectations regarding this experience and identifies the cooperating agencies. It may be obtained from the Social Work faculty or on the website of the School of Social Work at www.uu.edu/socialwork.

Student Organizations

The student organization, Helping Professions Reaching Out (HPRO), is for majors in social work and those interested in helping professions. The organization assists in developing professional social work identity and provides an opportunity to be involved in volunteer community social service. Service opportunities include child mentoring and advocacy, nursing home activities, community organizing, and resource development. The organization gives students regular opportunity to interact with others having similar interests.

Phi Alpha, National Honor Society for Social Work Students, Eta Phi Chapter, fosters high standards of education for social workers and invites into membership those who have attained excellence in scholarship and achievement in social work. Students with an overall GPA in the top 35% of all graduating BSW majors are considered for membership. Other criteria for membership include professionalism, experience in field practicum, and leadership in the social work program. Students will be invited for membership at the end of their final fall and/ or winter semester.

Student Awards

Outstanding Social Work Graduate. This award is given to the graduating senior with high academic achievement, outstanding performances in Field Practicum, and faculty and peer recommendation.


A student majoring in Social Work will receive the Bachelor of Social Work degree. The student must successfully complete the General Core requirements and B.S.W. additional requirements as outlined below:

General Core Requirements

BSW students must complete the University's General Core with the exception of the COM 112 or COM 235 requirement; those skills are covered in the social work practice courses.