Union University

SW 410 Field Seminar III

Pre-requisites: SW 315, 401, 409 Field Seminar II provides a continuing forum for students to integrate knowledge and insights developed in the classroom by exploring the field experience through the group process. Through facilitated discussion, students learn about social work practice in various settings and assist each other in seeing the similarities and differences in applying generalist social work practice, knowledge, and skills across service delivery systems and practice methods. The process-oriented seminar is designed to afford students the opportunity to discuss, analyze, and integrate their field placement. This course is completed in the spring semester of the senior year, for continued processing and documentation for Field Practicum. All students in Field Seminar II are concurrently enrolled in SW 490 - Social Work Field Practicum. Social Work Field Practicum is designed to provide students with a generalist perspective of social work practice. Through involvement with individuals, families, groups, and communities, students apply theory to practice in a professionally supervised setting, which is educationally designed to meet the needs of the learner and the professional requirements of the Union University School of Social Work.
