Center for Intercultural Engagement

Victoria Malone (2005). Assistant Professor of Language and Director for Study Abroad, Senior International Officer. B.A. and M.A., Northern Illinois University.

Pam Whitnell (2013). International Student Officer. B.S., Middle Tennessee State University; M.B.A., Union University.

Mission Statement

Union University is uniquely positioned as a leader in 21st century missions. Furthermore, intercultural engagement—including community development, humanitarian outreach, and integrative skills—is essential for a globalized world and increasingly important to our student population. 

The Center for Intercultural Engagement (CIE)—integratively situated, structured, and staffed—provides campus-wide intercultural academic programming support. By optimizing the missional impact that our students and our community members have here and around the globe, the CIE bolsters Union’s broader mission of supporting interculturally-engaged, Christ-centered education that promotes excellence and character development in service to Church and society.

The CIE consists of staff and faculty members who are committed to providing guidance, support, instruction, and development for intercultural academic initiatives grounded in current theory and research, current practices found across the academy, the International Education Industry, and our core values. 

The CIE partners with both academic departments and various divisions of student services to develop and implement interculturally-engaged curricular and co-curricular programming in two broad areas: the Study Abroad program and the International Student Program. 

Study Abroad Program

The Study Abroad program, housed in Union's Center for Intercultural Engagement, provides structured support for both domestic and international curricular and co-curricular initiatives. Working with faculty and students, the Study Abroad program uses expertise in off-site travel, course transcription management, and financial aid. With a clear protocol prior to departure, support during the experience, and a thorough debriefing process upon return, the Study Abroad program ensures that students have a safe, academically rigorous, and interculturally relevant experience. For a thorough explanation of Study Abroad Programming at Union University, please contact the Study Abroad Coordinator or visit the Center for Intercultural Engagement's website.

Union's Study Abroad program includes direct (concurrent) enrollment, independent institutes or providers, institutional agreements, and third-party providers. Furthermore, the Study Abroad program uses a rigorous set of criteria for identifying and cultivating relationships with high-quality, ethically-grounded programs around the world that provide optimal experiences for students. This ensures that we support domestic and international programs that have high academic standards, provide opportunities for students to engage with people from the host institution and the surrounding community, offer a safe living environment, and have an adequate support system for the student. The Center for Intercultural Engagement adheres to the Standards of Good Practice for Education Abroad put forth by the Forum on Education Abroad. 

Study Abroad Enrollment

Students may choose to study abroad during a regular semester or during a May/summer term for a range of academic credit, which may apply toward university core or programs of study. Regardless, Union students participating in the Study Abroad program must have completed at least one semester at Union University before applying to Study abroad, have a 2.5 GPA, and get the approval of the Dean of Students and their academic adviser. In accordance with the Standards of Good Practices in Education Abroad, prior to departure, students are required to attend pre-departure training and risk management sessions. Along with an initial interview, the pre-departure process provides assessment of the student’s individual needs and allows the Study Abroad Coordinator to continuously monitor, maintain, support, and improve advising and orientation. The sessions also offer further opportunities for communication. The Program Coordinator will advise on all paperwork and announce due dates for all forms at the pre-departure sessions prior to the semester of travel.

Study Abroad Financial Aid

Union’s Study Abroad program offers students uninterrupted enrollment that greatly facilitates the continuation of external financial aid and externally funded scholarships. Union provides assistance to students concerning the provision of internal and external financial aid. However, due to the varied nature of UU Study Abroad programs, students need to meet with Student Financial Planning to discuss distribution of awards. 

Institutional scholarship funds may only be used for UU tuition. Extra-institutional funds may be used for any type of study as long as the proper criteria are met per the Office of Student Financial Planning. External study scholarships are awarded for both study abroad and domestic study twice during the academic year: 

  • The J.M. Powell Memorial Scholarship, an endowed fund designated for international semester-length study, is also available for tuition or non-tuition-based expenses. 
  • The Cynthia P. Jayne Fellowship for Global Studies Award is an institutional scholarship and awards should not exceed the cost of the program’s tuition.
  • Students are also encouraged to look for additional resources such as, but not limited to, those listed on the IIE and IEFA websites (links found on the CIE website). 

Applications and deadlines for the above listed scholarships are available on the CIE website.  

For external programs where the official transcript is issued by the host institution, students pay all program costs (with the exception of program deposit paid directly to the provider with their application) to the Center for Intercultural Engagement in lieu of paying Union tuition. The Center will then make payment to the external program provider. Please note that participating students will be assessed a program fee of $75-$175 depending on the study experience.

International Student Program

Working with key entities from across the university including both the Languages and English departments, the CIE provides integrative support for international students who have been accepted to Union University. This support is designed to optimize students’ transition and adjustment to American academic culture and discourse. This program is staffed with an international student advisor, an international student officer, as well as key faculty from the university. Support includes but is not limited to the following: 

  • Assessment of language abilities
  • First-year, credit-bearing course options designed for undergraduate English learners, including ICS 105 and international student sections of ENG 111 and ENG 112
  • Co-advising for first-year language learners between the international student academic advisor and students’ major advisors 
  • Coordination of specialized academic and tutoring support when needed
  • Department-specific language support initiatives 
  • Support for departments and faculty across the university working with international students and English learners