Union University

Department of Mathematics


George Moss (2009). Professor of Mathematics and Department Chair. B.S., Auburn University; Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Bryan Dawson (1998). University Professor of Mathematics. B.S. and M.S., Pittsburg State University; Ph.D., University of North Texas.

Chris Hail (1995). Professor of Mathematics. B.S., Campbellsville College; M.A., Morehead State University; Ed.D., University of Kentucky.

Matt Lunsford (1993).University Professor of Mathematics. B.G.S., Louisiana Tech University; M.S., University of Nebraska; Ph.D., Tulane University.

Troy Riggs (1993, 2000). Professor of Mathematics. B.S., University of South Dakota; M.A., and Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Mission Statement

Union's mathematics program seeks to further students in their quest for increased understanding of Creation and the created order and to equip students to serve God, church, and society through excellence in thinking and the use of mathematics. We do this through a curriculum that develops the student's ability to think logically, analytically, and abstractly; to pursue a body of knowledge whose basis is independent of both empirical observation and culture; and to learn humility and a sense of wonder at the complexity, beauty, and applicability of mathematics.


The department offers a major in mathematics and minors in mathematics, mathematics with emphasis in statistics, and actuarial science, and an interdisciplinary minor in Computational Engineering Science. Students majoring in mathematics may select from the following tracks: mathematics, teacher licensure in mathematics for secondary education (grades 7-12), or actuarial science. The offerings of the major provide a foundation for beginning graduate study in mathematics, for entry into mathematics-related work fields, and for teaching mathematics at the secondary level. Students majoring or minoring in mathematics begin their academic credit towards the major or minor with courses numbered MAT 205 or above. Students having a four-year high school mathematics program that included trigonometry should be able to begin the calculus sequence in their first semester.

Admissions and Progression in the Major in Mathematics with Discipline-Specific Honors

Admission to the Program requires completion of at least 15 hours through Union University or transfer to include MAT 207 and MAT 213 with a minimum GPA of 3.50 both in all coursework and specifically in mathematics as well. Transfer students must complete at least one semester at Union University prior to application to include at least one course applicable to the major. Application is made during or immediately following the second semester of the sophomore year, or for a transfer student not at Union during the sophomore year, immediately following the first semester of the junior.

At least three full semesters, preferably four, must remain before graduation when application is made. The student makes application to the Office of the Director of the Honors Community but must be preceded by an appointment with the mathematics faculty member in charge of DSH.

To remain in the program the student must maintain the 3.50 minimum GPA both overall and in Mathematics, complete each honors contract course with a grade of B or better, and complete the requirements of the honors thesis in a timely manner as outlined below.

The honors contract for upper-level courses other than MAT 498 shall consist of work that helps the student develop skills in proving theorems and promotes understanding deeper than that required of other students. Possibilities include, but are not limited to, Option (1) completion of a collection of 20 proofs that are more difficult or probe the material more deeply than is required of other students, or Option (2) reading, understanding, and presenting a previously-published paper in the content area of the course. The department reserves the right to require an honors student to complete an honors contract of each type during the junior year. For each honors contract course, the student must:

  • Come to agreement with the instructor of the course regarding the nature of the contract prior to the beginning of the course. Students are advised to contact the instructor prior to the end of the previous Fall or Spring Semester.
  • Obtain approval of the honors contract from the faculty member in charge of DSH.
  • Complete the required paperwork with the Office of the Director of the Honors Community prior to the first day of classes for the semester.

A student may petition the Department of Mathematics in writing to have his/her case reviewed for exception. The petition is submitted to the Chair and will be reviewed by a committee of three mathematics faculty.

A student planning to graduate in May shall enroll in the same 2-credit-hour MAT 498 taken in the fall semester by all senior mathematics majors, but with an honors contract. The student shall make enough progress in the fall semester to make a presentation along with the other seniors and complete the requirements for the 2-credit-hour MAT 498. The student shall enroll in one credit hour of MAT 498 for honors in the spring semester in order to complete the honors project. The project advisor will guide the student through the timetable required to meet internal and external requirements for project development and completion. For a student planning to graduate in December, an equivalent timeline will be developed on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the faculty member in charge of DSH and the project advisor, preferably by the end of the previous January, but no later than the beginning of the spring second accelerated term. The requirements for the Honors Project/Thesis will be detailed in the student’s syllabus for MAT 498 during the semester of graduation.

A student failing to make sufficient progress in the honors thesis to meet the required timetable or is of insufficient quality shall be dismissed from departmental honors.

Graduation with Discipline-Specific Honors in Mathematics requires the student must:

  • Complete degree requirements with a minimum 3.50 mathematics GPA,
  • Complete each honors contract course with a grade of B or better,
  • Present the project at the Union University Scholarship Symposium,
  • Apply to present the project at an off-campus meeting, and
  • Submit an article based on the project.

Greater detail for admissions, honors contract requirements, and other program specifics is provided at http://www.uu.edu/dept/math/honors.cfm.

Assessment of Majors

All senior mathematics majors must take the Major Field Test in mathematics as one requirement for MAT 498 (see below). Those majors completing a teacher licensure program are required to take the PRAXIS II.

Student Organizations

Kappa Mu Epsilon, honor society in mathematics, selects students who have achieved standards of scholarship, professional merit, and academic distinction. A student must have completed 3 semesters’ rank in the upper 35%, completed 3 courses in MAT, to include calculus, and have a minimum 3.0 Math GPA.

Mallory Mathematics Club promotes community within the students and faculty of the mathematics department and organizes service opportunities. Students are eligible for membership if they have completed, or are currently enrolled in, Calculus I.

Sigma Zeta is a national honorary science society for those who have completed 15 hours in natural science and math with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in these courses.

Student Awards

Departmental Award is given to the senior who places first in the Major Field Test for Mathematics as partial fulfillment of MAT 498.

The Wolfram Research Inc. Award is awarded to a freshman calculus student chosen by the Department of Mathematics based upon demonstrated outstanding achievement, enthusiasm, ingenuity, and creativity in mathematics.