Union University

Department of Psychology


Jinni Leigh Blalack (1991). Associate Professor of Psychology, Department Chair, and Director, Special Projects. B.S., Union University; M.A., Middle Tennessee State University; additional study, Tennessee State University.

Mollie Carter-Neal (2022). Associate Professor. B.S., Union University; M.A., Oral Roberts University; Ph.D., University of Memphis.


Mission Statement

The Department of Psychology equips students to critically consider the philosophical assumptions that provide the foundation for evidence-based practices. Engaging human nature, human flourishing, psychopathology, relationships, and research from a distinctly Christ-centered perspective affords students the necessary preparation in psychological theories for both graduate school and the workplace while teaching them to uphold Biblical truth as the standard of wisdom for living the good life in service to Church and society. 


Assessment of Majors

Psychology Majors are required to take PSY 410 during the Senior year as capstone to the major.

Student Organizations

The Psychology Club, open to all students, provides information regarding graduate programs and job opportunities for PSY majors and minors, provides information about and encourages the reading of current writings in the field, encourages association among Psychology students, promotes scholastic achievement, and provides information to students who want to learn more about the major.

Psi Chi is the National Honor Society in Psychology, founded 1929, to encourage, stimulate, and maintain excellence in scholarship, and advance the science of psychology. Membership is open to majors who have completed 3 semesters with 9 PSY hours, a 3.0 cumulative GPA and a 3.5 PSY GPA.

Student Award

The Dr. Bill Bouchillon Psychology Excellence is given to an outstanding graduating senior with a 3.5 GPA or greater in psychology as selected by the Psychology faculty.