Union University

Department of Communication Arts


Ashley Fitch Blair (1999). Chair and Associate Professor of Communication Arts. B.A., Union University; M.A., University of Memphis.

Chris Blair (1997). Interim Assistant Dean of College of Arts and Sciences, Professor of Communication Arts and Coordinator of DMS. B.A., Union University; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Memphis.

Rachael Camp (2021). Assistant Professor of Communication Arts B.A., Union University; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Memphis. 

Ted Kluck (2015). Associate Professor of Communication Arts. B.A., Indiana University; M.F.A., Ashland University.

Rebekah Whitaker (2019). Associate Professor of Communication Arts and Director for Debate. B.A., University of Arkansas at Monticello; M.A., University of Arkansas at Little Rock; Ph.D., Louisiana State University.

Instructional Staff

Raymond H. Eaton (2009). Broadcasting Technician. M.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville; M.M., Freed-Hardeman University.


Kristi Brookfield (2020). Academic Secretary—Communication Arts.

Mission Statement

The Communication Arts Department provides a practical and theoretical education in written, oral, and visual communication with a Christian worldview that prepares students to be culture-makers across a broad spectrum of contexts.


Communication Arts offers a wide range of courses designed to meet the complex and significant theoretical and communication skill requirements in its respective professional fields.

UU in the UK Study Abroad: Communication Arts offers a biannual, immersive, 2-week study abroad opportunity in England every other summer, co-sponsored by the Biology and Communication Arts departments. Communication classes offered count toward all Communication Arts majors and minors.

Double Majoring/Minoring in Communication Arts: Communication Arts majors are not allowed to double major in Public Relations and Journalism. Communication Arts majors are not allowed to double minor within the department. Non-Communication Arts majors may double minor in the department except in the areas of Journalism and Public Relations.

The Department is affiliated with several organizations and programs that enhance student learning:

  • the Tennessee Associated Press Conference
  • the National Communication Association
  • the International Communication Association
  • the Broadcast Education Association (BEA-AERho)
  • the Southeastern Journalism Conference
  • the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)
  • the University Film & Video Association

Faculty encourage participation in regional and national conferences.

Student Organizations

The Cardinal & Cream is the student news publication. The newspaper is online and updated daily during the fall and spring semesters. A full-color news magazine is published each semester. Staff positions are open to all classes and majors.

The Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) is open to all students interested in the public relations profession and society activities. PRSSA is student-led group that hosts guest speakers, works with local organizations, and takes professional development trips to job shadow across the United States. 

The Bulldog Communication Group, a student-run public relations agency, provides students with portfolio building opportunities by offering communication services to clients on campus and in the community.

The Union Film Society seeks to increase interest in and understanding of the art and process of filmmaking through a variety of experiences, including film screenings, filmmaking seminars, and film projects.

Alpha Epsilon Rho is the honor society of the Broadcast Education Association. Members of AERho emphasize superior scholarship and creative participation in broadcast, corporate, and digital media production and activity. Membership in AERho exemplifies excellence of work, demonstrated leadership qualities, and service to the organization, the community, and the industry.

The Union Debate Team is open to all students and competes four or five times a semester in the International Public Debate Association. Membership is based on an interview with the team’s director.

Beta Mu is the Union chapter of Alpha Psi Omega, the national honorary dramatic fraternity. Membership is based on points accrued through participating in the cast and crew for Blank Slate Improv, MainStage Theatre, and other theatre productions.

Blank Slate Improv is a student-led improvisation performance group open via audition to students from all majors.

MainStage Theatre is a student-led performance troupe that stages full theatrical productions every semester. Production cast and crew positions are available via application and audition to all students.