Union University

Course Offerings in Urban and Theological Studies (MCUTS)

101. Foundations of Academic Inquiry (3)

This "college essentials" course teaches students the academic strategies and lifestyle disciplines and characteristics needed to be successful as a college student.

103. Advocacy and Social Movements (3)

This course will examine both the theory behind and the practical applications of community activism/advocacy and social movements.

104. Critical Reasoning (3)

This course serves as a basic introduction to general reasoning and argumentation skills and helps students evaluate sound reasoning and question unsound assumptions.

201. Introduction to Urban Studies (3)

This course introduces students to the study of urban diversities in cities within the United States. The course will help students understand how cities have developed by placing urban issues in a context that helps improve student comprehension of the cities they live in.

321. Urban Mission Theology (3)

This course explores the theological and spiritual foundations for being "on mission" in the city and for the city. The incarnation of Jesus is presented as the fundamental theological and dispositional concept for biblical urban mission, and serves as the lens through which social location and socio-cultural realities in urban communities are approached and understood. Emerging from this are an understanding of "incarnational witness" and an ability to interpret contemporary urban issues in light of Scripture and missional theology. The urban ministry matters discussed serve as a primer for more detailed analyses in other praxis-focused courses.