Union University

Course Offerings in Leadership (LDR)

201. Introduction to Entrepreneurial and Nonprofit Leadership (3)

This course provides an introduction to the entrepreneurial process of moving from idea to operational business.

303. Principles of Marketing for Startups (3)

The course explores the role of marketing in a free enterprise system, with a particular emphasis on marketing strategies for startups.

311. Fundamentals of Christian Leadership (3)

This course will introduce the history of Leadership Theory from the theory of born leaders to transformational leadership theory of non-positional learned leadership.

321. Financial Assessment (3)

Introduction to basic tools for financial management, with an emphasis on both startups and nonprofits. Topics include assets, basic forms of organizations, time value of money, risk and rates of return.

331. Entrepreneurship in Multicultural Communities (3)

The course equips students to apply the science and art of ethnographic research, formal and informal interviews, as well as qualitative and quantitative analysis to new markets, unfamiliar communities, and among multicultural teams. The course prepares business and nonprofit leaders for effective multicultural work and ministry in diverse, urban settings.

341. Human Resources (3)

This course explores methods used by both businesses and nonprofit organizations in recruitment, training, compensation, and utilization of human resources.

351. Sales Management (3)

This course explores the principles and practices of sales in a business environment and particularly in a startup context.

401. Organizational Strategy (3)

Reciprocal credit: NPL 401.

This course will address the skills and knowledge necessary to develop mission/vision driven organizational strategies in for profit, nonprofit and hybrid organizations.

421. New Organization Development (3)

The course will provide an introduction to new business development including product assessment, business model development, product delivery modes, and business system development.

431. Capital Generation and Funding Methodologies (3)

This course presents concepts and issues in raising capital for entrepreneurs in both the start-up and growth stages.

441. Leadership Internship (3)

This course will provide the student with the opportunity to work alongside an established entrepreneur in a new for profit, nonprofit or hybrid organization and to receive direct feedback on their leadership skills and abilities.

451. Leadership Capstone (3)

Praxis oriented course that draws together the student's experience in the Entrepreneurial Leadership program as a whole and leads them through the process of developing a business plan based on their own business ideas.