Union University

Course Offerings in Applied Psychology (APSY)

201. General Psychology (3)

This course is designed to provide a broad overview of the varied perspectives from which clinicians of psychology seek to understand human behavior, research methods, and treatment options. The course will also encourage an evaluation of psychological phenomena in the daily life of students.

311. Life Span Development (3)

This course explores current theories and methodologies in the study of human development from conception through late life.

321. Cognitive Psychology (3)

This course will explore the mechanisms of human thinking, including mental processes, perceptions, concepts and schemas, memory formation, and use of language.

331. Abnormal Psychology (3)

This course will provide an overview of the main concepts, theories, diagnostic criteria, and current empirical findings in the field of abnormal psychology.

341. Personality Theory (3)

This course provides a survey of the major contemporary theories of personality.

351. Mental Health Counseling Methodologies (3)

This course is designed to help students learn major theoretical systems of counseling and psychotherapeutic approaches as well as explore issues related to the application of theory to practice.

361. Psychological Statistics and Research Methods (3)

This course provides the foundation to understand and critically evaluate the way the field of psychology communicates research findings.

401. Behavioral and Stress Management (3)

The course is designed to expose students to a holistic approach to stress management with regards to behavior, coping skills, and relaxation techniques with the intention to prevent and/ or alleviate the physical and psychological symptoms of stress.

411. Alcohol and Drug Abuse (3)

This course is designed to introduce students to the physiological, psychological, and sociological effects of the abuse of drugs, both legal and illegal, and alcohol, as well as the ways they are addressed as matters of mental health. The course will examine issues such as the interaction of drugs and alcohol with the brain and the body, the psychology of drug use, theories of addiction, and the role of drugs and alcohol in present day society. Legal and illegal substance use play a major role in mental health struggles, recovery, and treatment processes; therefore this course is designed to expand the understanding of this influence in the field and practice of psychology. It is also imperative that students inform their position on this aspect of health to best serve this population of people.

412. Understanding Trauma and PTSD (3)

The course explores the psychological impact of many different types of trauma with an emphasis on the psychological theories used to explain and treat symptoms associated with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

413. Suicide Intervention (3)

This course is designed to explore the theories, research, assessment, interventions, and prevention methods as they relate to suicide.

441. Applied Psychology Internship (6)

This course is designed to provide an opportunity for students to integrate their psychology course work into a culminating practical experience in a human services, educational, or business setting.

451. Applied Psychology Capstone (3)

Praxis-oriented course that draws together the student's experience in the Applied Psychology program as a whole and leads them through the process of completing a specified project that informs the student's formation.