Union University

Course Offerings in Cross-Cultural Studies (CCS)

301. Introduction to Culture and World View (3)

An introduction to the basic concepts of cultural anthropology which have practical relevance to effective missionary communication of the gospel in a culturally heterogeneous world.

311. Introduction to Urban Missiology (3)

This course biblically and historically traces the development of God's mission (mission Dei) to bless all nations.

321. Introduction to World Religions and New Religious Movements (3)

The purpose of the course is to facilitate an understanding of the beliefs, history, and practice of the world's major religions and representative cults, with a view to effective cross-cultural ministry and witness.

322. Islam and Christian Ministry Among Muslims (3)

The purpose of this course is to facilitate an understanding of historical and contemporary Islam as well as the Nation of lslam, with a view towards Christian ministry among Muslims.

323. Urban New Religious Movements (3)

The purpose of this course is to facilitate an understanding of the beliefs, history, and practice of the new religious movements that have emerged in urban North America.

331. Church Planting Across Cultures (3)

This course examines the theoretical principles and practical resources useful in producing a workable strategy for church planting: across cultures.

332. Cross-Cultural Witness and Discipleship (3)

This course is an in-depth study of the essential, biblical principles of cross-cultural witness and disciple making.

333. Fundamentals of Cross-Cultural Leadership (3)

An introduction to the basic fundamentals of cross-cultural leadership in urban and global settings.

441. Cross-Cultural Internship (3)

This course is an in-service program designed for the purpose of providing direct experience in specific community development, nonprofit management, cross-cultural ministry and/or community transformation initiatives. Students apply strategies and best practices learned in previous coursework. This experience will enable students to grow in their ability to analyze and evaluate objectively the effectiveness of their efforts, to reflect on and improve their own competency for community development work, and to process successes and failures alongside other students.