Union University

Major in Sociology

The courses in Sociology are designed for two types of students: (1) those who desire pre-professional training for sociology or other related fields of human relations, and (2) those who seek to understand underlying principles in human relations, the role of custom and group psychology in collective behavior, the structure of society, the problems of group living, and the tendencies toward the improvement or the disintegration of society. Courses are designed to present both a practical and a scientific analysis of human relationships in the various areas of social life.

Additional Program Requirements

Bachelor of Arts: 12 hours

Complete 6 hours Social Science: ECO, FIN, GEO, PSC, PSY, HON 225, SOC (only 3 hours of SOC may be included).

Complete 6 hours Humanities (ENG, HIS, CHR, HON, PHL) or 6 hours of foreign language (1 language/1 year) 111 or above.

Bachelor of Science: 9 or 10 hours

Complete 6 hours Social Science: ECO, FIN, GEO, PSC, PSY, HON 225, SOC (only 3 hours of SOC may be included).

Complete 3-4 hours: BIO, CHE, PHY, MAT, CSC, or HON 235.

Major Requirements: 36 semester hours

Required Courses: 24 hours

SOC 211Principles of Sociology


SOC 213Social Change for Social Problems


SOC 214Social Research I


SOC 370Gender and Sexuality


SOC 357Sociology of Music


SOC 419Social Diversity and Inequality


SOC 422Social Research II


SOC 411Internship



SOC 498Senior Capstone Seminar


SOC Electives: 12 hours