Union University

Major in Applied Linguistics

Applied Linguistics Program Guidelines

  • The 12-credit hour external program component for the major will consist of an immersion experience involving intensive language study new to the learner approved by the Department.
  • The goal of the 12-credit hour external program component is not language proficiency gains as much as it is a self reflexive experiential learning component that complements the broader program of study.
  • Students may petition the Department to apply the 12-credit hour external program component in a second language.
  • The external program component has a pre-requisite: ALNG 220, ALNG 325; as well as classes in research methodologies and intercultural communication.

Additional Program Requirements

Complete 6 hours of foreign language (1 language/1 year) 111 or above.

Major Requirements: 34 hours

Required Courses: 22 hours

ALNG 220Principles of Language and Acquisition


ALNG 315Critical Contexts of Language and Literacy


ALNG 325Introduction to Language Acquisition


ALNG 440Theories of Language


ICS 245Research Methodologies for Intercultural Study


ICS 320Intercultural Communication


ENG 450The History of the English Language


ALNG 490Capstone Seminar


External Study: 9 to 12 hours

External Study: 9 to 12 hours approved by the Department. Approved programs awarding less than 12 hours will require an advisor-approved elective to fulfill the 12 hour requirement.