Union University

Medical Technology Hospital-in-Residence Curriculum

411. Clinical Chemistry (6)

Chemical analysis of various body fluids and the study of their relationship to disease states.

412. Instrumentation (1)

The principles, use, and care of instruments found in up-to-date laboratories.

421. Hematology and Coagulation (7)

Application of theory to technical performance in hematological procedures which aid in classification of anemias, leukemias, and other blood cell abnormalities.

422. Advanced Microbiology (7)

A lecture and lab course covering the role of microorganisms as they cause disease in humans. Methods employed in the identification of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and rickettsiae.

423. Serology (2)

A lecture and lab course in immunology, including demonstrating reactions between antigens and antibodies. Use of these reactions as a serodiagnostic tool is presented.

424. Immunohematology (5)

Includes selection, testing and bleeding of donors, identification of blood group antigens and antibodies, procedures employed in providing compatible blood for patients, and principles and procedures used in blood component therapy.

425. Parasitology (2)

A study of parasites of medical significance, both indigenous and foreign, with particular emphasis on life cycles and identification.

431. Urinalysis (2)

Gross, physical, microscopic, and chemical analysis of urine.

432. Clinical Correlations (1)

Basic understanding of altered physiology in disease; correlation between laboratory test results and anatomical/physiological changes.

440. Principles of Management and Ethics (0)

Preparation for the medical graduate for positions of leadership as supervisors and instructors.

179-279-379-479. External Domestic Study Programs (1-3) As Needed

All courses and their applications must be defined and approved prior to registering.

179PF-279PF-379PF-479PF. External Domestic Study Programs (Pass/Fail) As Needed

All courses and their applications must be defined and approved prior to registering.

180-280-380-480. Study Abroad Programs (1-4)

All courses and their application must be defined and approved prior to travel.

180PF-280PF-380PF-480PF. Study Abroad Programs (Pass/Fail) As Needed

All courses and their applications must be defined and approved prior to travel.

195-6-7. Special Studies (1-4)

295-6-7. Special Studies (1-4)

Lower-level group studies which do not appear in the regular departmental offerings.

395-6-7. Special Studies (1-4)

Upper-level group studies which do not appear in the regular departmental offerings.

495-6-7. Independent Study (1-4)

Individual study under the guidance of a faculty member(s).

489-9. Seminar (1-3)

To be used at the discretion of the department.