Union University

Major in Biology with Discipline-Specific Honors

The Biology Discipline-Specific Honors program offers advanced training in laboratory and library research through completion of contract courses with expanded requirements, an original research project, as well as colloquium attendance.

Application Timeline/Process

  • At least three full semesters, preferably four, must remain before graduation
  • Applications are submitted to the Office of the Director of the Honors Community after the student has met with the Chair of the Department of Biology

Admission Requirements

  • Minimum GPA of 3.50 both overall and in Biology
  • Completion of at least one semester at Union prior to application
  • Completion of 16 credit hours applicable toward the Biology major including BIO 112 and at least one 300-level BIO course.


  • Maintain at least a 3.50 GPA both overall and in Biology
  • Complete each honors contract course with a B or better

A one-time, one-semester probation will be allowed to correct a deficient GPA. If the deficiency is not corrected, the student will be dismissed from the Honors program. A one-time, one semester probation also will be allowed for students failing to meet other expectations, as determined by their thesis advisor and/or Biology Chair. Appeals may be instituted by students in the manner stipulated in the Student Handbook. Application forms may be obtained from the Department Chair.

Accepted students will

  1. Complete 12 hours of contract courses, selected from among the 300-level biology courses that count toward the Biology major, by entering into a contract with the instructor of each chosen course that outlines the additional course requirements
  2. Students in their junior and senior years must satisfy Honors colloquium requirements as determined and published by the directors of the Honors Community.
  3. Design and complete an honors project/thesis that will lead to either an off-campus presentation or to a paper suitable for submission to an appropriate professional journal. This project meets the research requirement for all Biology majors.