Union University

Course Offerings in Art (ART)

( ) Hours Credit; F–Fall; S–Spring; Su–Summer

Art History

210. The Arts in Western Civilization (3) F, S

Prerequisite/Corequisite: HIS 101, Attendance at specified cultural events.

Introduction to the principal styles of fine art from architecture, music, painting, sculpture, literature, and theatre, giving economic, religious, social, and political reasons for development, as well as insight through formal analysis of how these forms are constructed. Appreciation of the fine arts as evidence of the spirit and values of specific times.

227. Visual Theory and Aesthetics: The Western Tradition, Classical Greece to the Renaissance (3) F

A study of visual aesthetics in the Western tradition from Classical Greece to the Renaissance with a specific focus on the visual arts.

230. Visual Theory and Aesthetics: The Western Tradition, The Renaissance to the 19th Century (3) S

A study of visual aesthetics in the Western tradition from the Renaissance to the 19th Century with a specific focus on the visual arts.

233. World Art (3) F

Prerequisite: HIS 101.

This course is designed to provide students with an introductory survey of global perspectives on visual art history, theory, aesthetics, and art making practices. It will explore the unique historical, cultural, religious, political, economic, and aesthetic contexts in which works of art are made with the goal of gaining a greater knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of both similarities and differences between Western and non-Western artistic thought and practices.

313. Art History 01: Pre-historic to Medieval (3) F

Prerequisite: ART 210.

A survey of painting, sculpture, architecture, and the minor arts as represented by significant examples of art from prehistoric times to the Medieval Period.

314. Art History 02: Renaissance to Romanticism (3) S

Prerequisite: ART 210.

A survey of painting, sculpture, architecture, and the minor arts as represented by significant examples of art from the Renaissance to Romanticism.

315. Art History 03: Realism to Present (3) F

Prerequisite: ART 210.

A survey of painting, sculpture, architecture, and the minor arts as represented by significant examples of art from Realism to the present.

318. Art History 04: Contemporary Issues in Art History (3) S

Prerequisite: ART 315.

Seminar to expand the critical approach adding the Christian contribution to contemporary art as well as insights from practicing artists. Includes team survey projects, research assignments, and film review.

319. Art History: History of Graphic Design (3) S

Prerequisite: ART 113, 198.

Survey of methods, fundamentals of design, history of the medium/culture, while examining critical theory and the impact of technology upon design precepts that previously dominated design history. Includes research assignments, cultural review and examples of design from prehistoric to modern times.

327. Visual Theory and Aesthetics: The Japanese and Native North American Traditions (3) F—Even Years

A study of visual aesthetics in the Japanese and Native North American traditions with a specific focus on the visual arts.

330. Visual Theory and Aesthetics: The Western Tradition 1900–1950 (3) S—Even Years

A study of visual aesthetics in the Western tradition from 19001950 with a specific focus on the visual arts.

427. Visual Theory and Aesthetics: The Western Tradition 1950–2000 (3) F—Odd Years

A study of visual aesthetics in the Western tradition from 19502000 with a specific focus on the visual arts.

430. Visual Theory and Aesthetics: Contemporary Issues 2000–Present (3) S—Odd Years

A study of visual aesthetics in the Western tradition from 2000 to the Present with a specific focus on the visual arts.

Studio Courses

113. Foundations: 2D Design (3) F

Study of the elements and principles of two-dimensional design with an emphasis on color theory. Non-majors are welcome. Six studio hours per week.

114. Foundations: 3D Design (3) S

A skill-based course where students learn aesthetic problem solving skills as they relate with areas of three dimensionality; i.e., texture, form and space. Students will develop a vocabulary that will enable them to articulate visual arts ideas, concepts and criticisms. Non-majors are welcome. Six studio hours per week.

116. Foundations: Introduction to Drawing (3) F

Introduction to the materials and processes of drawing. Emphasis is placed on strengthening visual awareness through observation, spatial organization, and development of imagery. Non-majors are welcome. Six studio hours per week.

117. Foundations: Figure Drawing (3) F, S

Objective and subjective representation of the human figure through various traditional and non-traditional drawing media. Non-majors are welcome. Six studio hours per week.

120. Foundations: Introduction to Digital Media (3) S

An introduction to the creative potential and application of computer-generated art. Applied instruction combined with theoretical considerations guide students to a basic understanding of the computer as a creative medium. Six studio hours per week.

198. Visual Arts Seminar I: Introduction (0) F

Introduction to Art major emphases, program and department expectations, international study opportunities, and work presentation/craftsmanship. Pass/Fail.

216. Ceramics 01: Hand Building (3) F

The introductory studio class with focus on skills of building, decorating and firing clay. The student will learn to hand build using pinch, coil, hard, and soft slab methods. Six studio hours per week.

217. Ceramics 02: Introduction to Wheel Throwing (3) S

Prerequisite: ART 216.

Focus on the skill of throwing on the wheel, decorating and firing class. Students will produce a variety of forms including cups, bowls, plates, platters, pitchers and teapots. The student will fire and glaze 10 works in each form assigned while learning how to fire high fire gas kilns and begin the process of glaze calculation. Six studio hours per week.

218. Drawing 03: Intermediate Methods and Practices (3) F

Prerequisite: ART 117.

Advanced study of drawing emphasizing the development of personal expression and critical analysis. Six studio hours per week.

220. Stained Glass (3) As Needed

A basic introduction to the copper foil method of stained glass. The cutting, grozing, grinding, fitting, foiling, and soldering of stained glass will be explored.

221. Graphic Design 01: Introduction to Graphic Design (3) F

A study of the techniques, practices, and history of the Graphic Design field. Attention will be given to basic concepts and techniques involved in the preparation of art for commercial reproduction, publication design, and the use of the computer as a design tool. Six studio hours per week.

231. Photography 01: Introduction to Photography (3) F

Prerequisite: Camera with manually adjustable aperture and shutter speed.

Introduction to processes and aesthetical values of black and white photography, including basic camera and darkroom techniques, content, and composition, and an introduction to expressive and documentary works applicable to art. Student furnishes film and darkroom supplies for projects. Six studio hours per week.

232. Photography 02: Intermediate Photography (3) S

Prerequisite: ART 231.

A continuing exploration of photography with emphasis on creative expression and visual experimentation. Six studio hours per week.

242. Printmaking I: Basic Planographic Processes (3) As Needed

Prerequisite: ART 116 or 117.

An introduction to printing in the processes of intaglio, relief, and planographic. Six studio hours per week.

311. Painting 01: Introductory Methods and Practices (3) F

Practices and approaches to studio oil/acrylic painting. Emphasis will be placed on visual development and the use of color. Non-majors are welcome. Six studio hours per week.

312. Painting 02: Intermediate Methods and Practices (3) S

Practices and approaches to studio oil/acrylic painting. Emphasis will be placed on portraiture, the human figure, expression and experimentation with new media. Non-majors are welcome. Six studio hours per week.

316. Ceramics 03: Intermediate Wheel Throwing (3) F

Prerequisite: ART 217.

Advanced skill of throwing on the wheel, decorating and firing clay. The student will throw a significant number of pots to perfect throwing skills and will produce gallery or show-quality pieces. The student will write their own criteria in throwing. Six studio hours per week.

317. Ceramics 04: Advanced Wheel Throwing (3) S

Prerequisite: ART 316.

Advanced skills of throwing on the wheel, as well as setting up, equipping, maintaining and running professional production pottery. The student will throw a significant number of pots to perfect throwing skills and will participate in a craft show and fair. The student will write their own criteria in throwing. Six studio hours per week.

323. Sculpture 01: Introduction to Sculpture (3) F

Prerequisite: ART 116.

An introductory course to the various processes, tools, and techniques that are used in creating 3 -dimensional sculpture. Six studio hours per week.

324. Sculpture 02: Intermediate Sculpture (3) S

Prerequisite: ART 116.

This course moves into advanced thinking about what the Sculptural Arts mean today. The course will involve sculpture, concept, craft, creativity, and knowledge of multiple materials by which the student will be able to produce work that is relevant in contemporary culture, while also developing themes that are personal to the student. Skills, equipment, and techniques are of the highest priority. Six studio hours per week.

331. Photography 03: Advanced Photography and Digital Practice (3) F

Prerequisite: ART 232.

A continuation of building technical and studio skills acquired in I and II and also to begin the introductions to digital work. To include basic digital techniques as well as computer related instruction including photo editing software and photo-related hardware. Six studio hours per week.

332. Photography 04: Photography Studio Practicum (3) S

Prerequisite: ART 232.

Portfolio development as it pertains to digital and black and white, wet photography, photo history, and current photo trends. Students will develop aesthetic skills, exploration of photo expression and creativity. Six studio hours per week.

333. Sculpture 03: Advanced Sculpture (3) F

Prerequisite: ART 324.

Individual development of sculpture areas with specific concentration on concept, composition, and content. Research oriented through slides, books, and actual works. Individual responsibility for subject matter encouraged. Six studio hours per week.

338. Drawing 04: Advanced Methods and Practices (3) S

Prerequisite: ART 218.

Advanced individualized study of drawing emphasizing the development of personal drawing techniques, modes of expression, experimentation with the non-traditional media and critical analysis. Six studio hours per week.

343. Printmaking II: Advanced Planographic Processes (3) As Needed

Prerequisite: ART 242.

A continuation of ART 242 with emphasis on developing visual expression and concept through the printmaking mediums. Six studio hours per week.

345. Graphic Design 02: Identity Systems (3) S

Prerequisite: ART 221.

A continuation of 221 with emphasis on corporate media structures, branding techniques and strategies. Attention will be given to artwork preparation, presentation for client, package design, commercial reproduction and printing techniques. Six studio hours per week.

346. Graphic Design 03: Typography (3) F

Prerequisite: ART 221.

A comprehensive study of type, its history, standard usage and creative trends. Students will learn measuring systems, grid composition, and the influence of the computer as a type design tool. Six studio hours per week.

347. Graphic Design 04: Digital Design for the Screen (3) S

Prerequisites: ART 221; CSC 360 is recommended.

A study of the role of the graphic designer with regard to visual communication in relation to the screen. This course will concentrate on graphic design theory, page design, and presentation for the web. Six studio hours per week.

348. Graphic Design 05: Motion Graphics (3) F

Prerequisites: ART 221; 346 is recommended.

Introduction to motion graphics, with emphasis placed on animation of typography, motion transitions and animation software. Six studio hours per week.

398. Visual Arts Seminar 02: Mid-Program Review (2) F

Prerequisite: ART 198.

Review of student work with Art faculty for direction and clarification of the successful completion of the major. Topics include making slides of work, motivational gifts assessment, exploration of career paths, internship options, and resume building.

411. Painting 03: Expression, Experimentation and Critical Analysis (3) F

Prerequisite: ART 312.

Development of painting as a vehicle for expression of personal vision, experimentation, and development of a body of work which indicates a direction of artistic pursuit. Six studio hours per week.

412. Painting 04: Advanced Expression, Experimentation and Critical Analysis (3) S

Prerequisite: ART 411.

Significant investigation of individual content toward the development of a mature body of work with additional emphasis on critical analysis and historical context. Six studio hours per week.

413-4. Advanced Art Studio (3) F, S, Su

Prerequisite: Consent of the Instructor.

Advanced studio course for professional development in any of the major areas of the department; meets at the same time the parallel studio is scheduled.

424. Sculpture 04: Advance Sculpture Methods (3) S

Prerequisites: ART 333.

Individual development of sculpture problems and techniques. Students are responsible for developing a thematic investigation of a specific concept using appropriate methods, materials, and techniques. Six studio hours per week.

445. Graphic Design 06: Design Studio Practicum (3) S

Prerequisite: ART 221, 345, 346.

Advanced study in graphic design techniques and fieldwork. Students will develop an in-depth portfolio of work that will emphasize experimental techniques, creative use of imagery and material, as well as strategies for freelance and creative development. Six studio hours per week.

460. Studio Practice 5 (3) F

Prerequisites: BFA core; All four lower-level Primary Emphasis Courses; Senior Standing.

A course designed to encourage dialogue on selected topics in contemporary art through readings, discussion, and critique. Topics covered will be used to investigate the conceptual, experimental and production issues, and challenges facing each individual student in their respective emphasis toward the objective of becoming practicing professional artists.

465. Studio Practice 6 (3) S

Prerequisites: BFA core; All four lower-level Primary Emphasis Courses; Senior Standing.

Continuation of ART 460. Portfolio section, compilation and documentation of student’s work in chosen area of concentration. Students must present an exhibition of their body of work in a gallery setting. Work exhibited may represent both primary and secondary concentrations.

485. Internship/Apprenticeship (2-4) As Needed

Prerequisite: Permission of Chair.

Students are assigned supervised practical work or studio experience in their chosen concentration in art. May be taken for a maximum of 9 credit hours. Pass/Fail.

499. Visual Arts Seminar 03: Capstone/Research (2) F, S

Prerequisite: Consent of the Department; ART 198, 398.

Research selection, compilation, and documentation of student’s project in chosen area of concentration. Students must present their work in a symposium setting. Research may represent both primary and secondary concentrations.

Teacher Licensure

325. Art in the Elementary Schools (3) F, S

A course designed for the elementary teacher developing art skills drawn from study units in art appreciation. No credit toward a major in art.

357. Instructional Design VII: Integrating Art into Classroom Instruction (2) As Needed

Design and implementation of instruction with attention to current issues, problems, and practices in the field, including integration of art in classroom instruction, national standards, integration of technology, diversity, inclusion, and faith and ethics.

179-279-379-479. External Domestic Study Programs (1-3) As Needed

All courses and their applications must be defined and approved prior to registering.

179PF-279PF-379PF-479PF. External Domestic Study Programs (Pass/Fail) As Needed

All courses and their applications must be defined and approved prior to registering.

180-280-380-480. Study Abroad Programs (1-4)

All courses and their application must be defined and approved prior to travel.

180PF-280PF-380PF-480PF. Study Abroad Programs (Pass/Fail) As Needed

All courses and their applications must be defined and approved prior to travel.

195-6-7. Special Studies (1-4)

295-6-7. Special Studies (1-4)

Lower-level group studies which do not appear in the regular department offerings.

395-6-7. Special Studies (1-4)

Upper-level group studies which do not appear in the regular department offerings.

495-6-7. Independent Study (1-4)

Individual research under the guidance of a faculty member(s).