Union University

General Requirements

Age: An applicant must be at least 16 years of age unless written approval is granted by the Admissions Committee.

Character: An applicant is expected to be of good character. An applicant previously charged, arrested, or convicted of any crime is required to have a personal interview with the Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Admissions or Dean of Student Life prior to a decision being made regarding admission. Union University reserves the right to monitor an applicant’s social media content as a part of the acceptance review process. We also reserve the right to revisit or revoke an admissions decision if content is discovered that violates Union University’s community values.  A detailed explanation of each community value can be found online at www.uu.edu/studentlife/accountability/community-values.cfm.

After the applicant has met the entrance requirements, the Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Admissions will issue a formal letter regarding admittance to the University. Initial admittance to Union University does not imply automatic admission in future semesters. Any student admitted by giving false information or by withholding needed information may be dismissed or retained on probation. This decision will be made after consultation by the Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Admissions with the appropriate committees and administrators.

Upon receipt and review by the University of all information required for consideration of admission/readmission, the University reserves the right to refuse admission/readmission to any student or applicant based upon a determination by the Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Admissions and/ or the Undergraduate Admissions and Retention Committee that admission/readmission of the applicant would not be consistent with the purpose of the University. All documents submitted become the property of Union University.

Any student that wishes to appeal a decision made by the Undergraduate Admissions and Retention Committee has the right of appeal.  If a student wishes to appeal, he or she should submit a letter of appeal to the Undergraduate Admissions and Retention Committee. Each case will be considered on its merits, taking into account the complete academic profile and record, and any special circumstances that might reflect on the student’s ability to be successful at Union University.  The candidate may be required to appear before a sub-committee. If the student wishes to appeal the final decision, a formal letter of appeal can be submitted to the University Provost.