Union University

Admission of Students Transferring from Another College

A transfer student must have completed at least 24 semester hours of transferable credit post high school graduation at an accredited college in order to enter Union under this category; otherwise, the applicant must meet freshman admission requirements and transfer GPA requirements. The academic status of a transfer student will be based on his/her cumulative GPA of all accredited post-secondary work attempted. The admission file of a student having less than a 2.3 cumulative GPA will be presented to the Undergraduate Admissions and Retention Committee following an interview with the Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Admissions, the Director, Center for Academic Success, or a CAS Coordinator. The student may be denied admission, admitted as a Conditional Student (as stated in Catalogue), admitted on Academic Probation, or fully admitted. The determination for the above decision shall be the full academic record, recommendations, and explanation of any extenuating circumstances and will be detailed in writing from the Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Admissions or the Director, Center for Academic Success on behalf of the Undergraduate Admissions and Retention Committee.

Before acceptance into Union University may be granted, a transfer student must file the following information in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions:

  1. An admissions application and $35 application fee,
  2. An official transcript from all institutions previously attended. International transcripts must be evaluated by a National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) certified transcript evaluation company. Even if withdrawal occurred prior to earning credits and even if those credits do not apply to the current degree being sought, official transcripts must be sent from each institution attended, and
  3. A completed student transfer form may be required for students who have received official disciplinary action at a previously attended institution or if special circumstances arise that show a necessity.

Before registering for classes, the applicant must also file the following information in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions:

  1. A complete official transcript from all institutions of higher learning attended (including dual enrollment programs),
  2. A tuition deposit of $200, applicable to the entering semester, is required after a student has been accepted for admission to reserve a place in class, and
  3. A residence life deposit of $100 is required of residential students to reserve an apartment on campus.

The refund schedule and policies regarding deposits are detailed in the Financial Information section entitled “Refunds.”

Credit will be accepted from other regionally accredited colleges if it parallels courses offered by Union. The minimum grade for credit acceptance is “C.” No more than 72 semester hours will be accepted from non-baccalaureate granting colleges toward a bachelor’s degree at Union University. Grades from other institutions do not transfer and therefore will not be recorded.

Union University will accept students from a Bible college accredited by The Association for Biblical Higher Education.

  1. All regular policies pertaining to the admission of transfer students must be fulfilled.
  2. The student must earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in at least 12 hours of credit completed at Union University post-Bible college attendance in order for the credit from the Bible college to be accepted.