Union University

Admission of Former Union University Students

Any student once admitted to Union University and then misses one or more semesters (fall or spring) must be readmitted by the following process:

  1. Complete a new application (fee is not required),
  2. Clear all previous academic, social, and financial obligations,
  3. A complete official transcript from all institutions attended since leaving, and
  4. Submit a student transfer form from the last institution attended only if special circumstances arise that show necessity.

A student who voluntarily withdraws and seeks to re-enroll for a later semester/term will be required to be readmitted if the student enrolls at another institution during the absence from Union, regardless of the length of the absence. If a student voluntarily withdraws prior to attending the first day of classes, does not attend another university, and seeks to enroll again in a subsequent semester, that student must be readmitted. If the student voluntarily withdraws after attending the first day of classes, does not attend another university, and seeks to enroll again in a subsequent semester, that student does not have to be readmitted. Voluntary withdrawal does not guarantee permission to re-enroll to the University nor does it automatically exclude the student from future enrollment.

A former Union University student having less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA from Union University or less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA from all institutions attended after leaving Union University will be considered for readmission by the Undergraduate Admission/Readmissions Committee. The student may be denied admission, readmitted with conditions, or readmitted under their prior academic standing at Union University.