Major in Teaching and Learning and Interdisciplinary Studies with Discipline-Specific Honors
Application Timeline/Process
Application to the discipline-specific honors program must be made toward the end of the semester in which the last prerequisite course is taken (see below).
Admission and Continuation Requirements
- Cumulative GPA of 3.5 after completing or transferring at least 15 credit hours into Union
- Minimum GPA of 3.5 in all required education courses for the major
- Prerequisite courses: EDU 150 and SE 230
Program Requirements
Candidates are required to complete the following as honors contract courses:
- EDU 308 (Planning and Assessment for Teaching and Learning) (3 hours)
- EDU 331 (Literacy in Diverse Classrooms) (4 hours)
- SE 311 (Math for Special Populations) (4 hours)
- EDU 440 (Internship I) (4 hours)
- EDU 441 (Internship II) for completion of the honors project