Trauma Studies Certification

Application Process for the Trauma Studies Graduate Certification (TSGC)

  • Students will receive information about the TSGC at the time of their admission to the MSW program.
  • To pursue this certificate, advance standing students must submit a TSGC departmental application at the time of registration (Summer/Fall semester). Students enrolled in the 2 or 3 year MSW program must submit a TSGC departmental application no later than the Spring semester of year one. (Applications should be submitted via email to Dr. K. Matthews;
  • Upon review and approval, Dr. Matthews will send a formal confirmation to the student’s Union email, confirming approval of their TSGC application and course plan. (The student’s MSW advisor will also be made aware of the student’s approval for the TSGC and provided a copy of the student’s course plan.)


  • Currently admitted MSW student
  • Submission of Trauma Studies Course Plan to MSW Program Director

Certification Requirements

  • Complete 12 hours of trauma electives (Foundations of Trauma is required)
  • Complete 6 hours of field placement (Field III & Field IV) with learning outcomes that are specifically connected to a trauma perspective

Trauma Certification Electives

  1. SW 523 TF-CBT
  2. SW 525 Traumatic Grief and Loss
  3. SW 553 Social Work Services in Schools (cross list with BSW)
  4. SW 552 Addictions
  5. SW 585-1 Trauma-Informed Care and Communities
  6. SW 585-2 Human Trafficking
  7. SW 585-3 Criminal Justice & Social Work (cross list with BSW)
  8. SW 602-4 Foundations of Trauma
  9. SW 612 Crisis Intervention