EDR 790 Dissertation

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Ed.D. oral and written comprehensive examination and approval of the Dissertation Proposal. The doctoral dissertation is the culminating experience of the Doctor of Education degree involving a scholarly inquiry into an area of professional and intellectual interest. The student will conduct research and produce a quality report of the findings involving a written and oral defense of the research. Students will register for a minimum of 9-12 hours of credit. The course is graded PR (progress) or F (failure). Each doctoral student must submit his pre-dissertation or dissertation manuscript for publication or presentation, aswritten by him/her during enrollment in the Educational Specialist phase/Education Doctorate Program at Union University. Validated verification of official submission by the student's Dissertation Chair must be on file in the Dean's Office before the student will be permitted to defend his/her dissertation. With successful completion of the dissertation the final semester is graded Pass and all previous PRs are converted to Pass.


1.0 - 4.0