Union University

Admission to Special Programs

Union University occasionally partners with institutions and entities with a shared mission for course offerings and reserves the right to make adjustments to both the admission process and the admission requirements based upon formalized agreements and arrangements with these partnering institutions and entities. These may include dual enrollment agreements and special semester 

intensive study programs.

Students may complete a maximum of 24 credit hours through the University’s reduced tuition programs, including dual enrollment, rising high school senior, and home school dual enrollment.

Dual Enrollment

The Union University High School Dual Enrollment program is open to exceptional high school juniors and seniors from partnering institutions who have the ability, motivation, and maturity to begin their college education before high school graduation. Students desiring to enroll in the Union University dual enrollment program must do so through Union University's Office of Undergraduate Admissions and meet the admissions criteria as outlined in the formalized agreement with the partnering institution to include a 3.0 high school GPA OR a 20 ACT Composite, 1030 SAT (combined Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math), or a 63 Classical Learning Test (CLT). 

Home School Dual Enrollment

Outstanding area home schooled students may be admitted to take a maximum of 24 credit hours during their junior and senior years of high school on a space available basis. A personal conference with the Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Admissions is required before the student is accepted for admission. A 20 ACT Composite, 1030 SAT (combined Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math), 63 Classical Learning Test (CLT), or 3.0 high school GPA is required. Students must also submit an official high school transcript.

Rising High School Senior Program

Exceptional high school students, after completing the junior year of high school, may earn college credit by attending the June Term, earning a maximum of seven semester hours. The RHSS Program is designed for selected high school students who completed the junior year with a cumulative 3.0 high school GPA OR a 20 ACT Composite, 1030 SAT (combined Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math), or a 63 Classical Learning Test (CLT).Before being admitted to the program, an applicant must meet the following standards and have the following information on file in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions:

  1. An admissions application and application fee
  2. A high school transcript of five semesters

A fee of $200 per credit hour is charged. Room and board is available at regular rates.

No student may participate in the RHSS Program who does not plan to return to high school for completion of the senior year.