Union University

Centers of the University

The Centers of the University were established to promote the ideals of different academic departments to deal Christianly with issues. Each Center is headed by a Director, who also serves the University as a faculty member or in other capacities.

Below is a list of the Centers along with their purpose statements and directors.

Ryan Center for Biblical Studies

Director: J. Michael Garrett

The Center exists to promote thoughtful and disciplined reading, study, interpretation, and application of the Bible in the church. The Center houses a model theological library for the study of the Scriptures, which is open to the public. The Ryan Center hosts an annual Bible conference with preeminent Bible scholars and communicators, including Union faculty members. Other Bible study events are offered throughout the year to equip pastors and laypeople in wise and educated use of the Bible.

Center for Business and Economic Development

Director: Karen Miller

The purpose of the Business and Economic Development Center is to engage the community and students in the McAfee School of Business in activities that promote the development of business leaders to fulfill their purpose in Christ and society.  This engagement includes projects that engage students with West Tennessee organizations such as Business Week and an annual speaker series, "Faith in the Marketplace." 

R. G. Lee Center for Christian Ministry

Interim Director: J. Michael Garrett

The purpose of the R. G. Lee Center for Christian Ministry is to encourage and equip pastors, as well as staff and laity, for Christian service. The Center oversees the University’s involvement with the West Tennessee Pastors’ Conference and hosts the West Tennessee Evangelism Rally, in partnership with the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board. The Center also oversees the Lee Cabin which resides on campus.

Thomas R. Rosebrough Center for Educational Practice

Director: Andrew Courtner 

The Thomas R. Rosebrough Center for Educational Practice aims to promote and recognize excellence in education from preschool through higher education. The manner in which the Rosebrough Center for Educational Practice defines its work can be found within the context and mission of Union University and the School of Education. The Center aims to bring attention to the work and interests of the School of Education, its faculty, staff, students, and alumni across Union's three campuses located in Jackson, Germantown, and Hendersonville, Tennessee.  

The mission of the Center is to promote excellence in education in ways that reflect: Union University's four core values (i.e., Excellence-Driven, Christ-Centered, People-Focused, and Future Directed), the conceptual framework of Union's School of Education (i.e., A Teacher-Student Dynamic of Sensitivity, Reflection and Faith), and Transformational Teaching (e.g., Educators need to be effective scholars, practitioners, and relaters.).

The Thomas R. Rosebrough Center for Educational Practice promotes and recognizes excellence in education by:

  • Publishing news articles about the work of faculty, students and alumni at Union University's School of Education.
  • Publishing white papers, book reviews, and practical academic thought pieces on educational topics.
  • Distributing Focus on Education, a podcast that brings attention to quality in education.
  • Communicating and hosting educational events.
  • Awarding quality education at the preschool through higher education levels.

Center for Population Health and Rural Medicine (PHaRM)

Director: Sean King

The Center for Population Health and Rural Medicine (PHaRM) aims to improve the wellbeing of communities by addressing factors which impact social, behavioral, environmental, and biological determinants of health at the local, state, national, and global levels. The purpose of the Center is to advance Union University’s ability to care for the underserved population of West Tennessee while broadening the interprofessional educational experiences of our students and other healthcare providers. Our mission includes affording students opportunities to provide more collaborative and patient-centered care in a structured, real-world setting. The Center achieves its mission through interprofessional learning experiences, community service-learning experiences, clinical experiences, research, continuing education programs and simulation education.

Center for Faculty Development

Associate Provost and Dean of Instruction: Jacob Shatzer

The Center for Faculty Development at Union University seeks to develop faculty in their pursuit of excellence under the Lordship of Christ as they live out their Christian calling in the academic world. The Center provides resources to develop faculty as they advance in their roles in teaching, scholarship, and service.

Center for Just and Caring Communities

Director:  Mary Anne Poe
Fellows: Nita Mehr (Jackson), Katrinna Matthews and Karen Dotson (Memphis)

The Center is based upon the premise that just and caring communities are created and sustained by transformational relationships. Reciprocal and interactive connections between individuals, families, groups, communities, and society at large exist to either strengthen or violate healthy relationships within these systems. The Center conducts research, provides continuing education, and promotes strategies that uplift, restore, and transform these relationships with a special emphasis on vulnerable persons and communities. The Center has two primary initiatives that guide its work: Trauma, Faith, and Resilience; and Faith, Church, and Community. 

Center for Politics and Religion

The Center for Politics and Religion is meant to provide a forum for teaching, research, and discussion about the intersection between politics and religion. The Center sponsors conferences, promotes research, and encourages students to "think Christianly" about how their faith should affect their politics by analyzing the role of religion in America and the world. The Center aims not only to prepare Union students to impact the political world winsomely and effectively for Christ, but also to represent Union in the larger conversation about faith and politics taking place among fellow believers and non-believers alike.

Edward P. Hammons Center for Scientific Studies

Director: William Thierfelder

The Edward P. Hammons Center for Scientific Studies was formed to show, by example, how science and Christianity are not only compatible, but also synergistic. The Center operates with the presupposition that science as observed truth need not conflict with revealed truth. We believe that God created an orderly universe and gave humans the ability and the mandate to investigate and understand it, so God’s glory will be recognized in his creation. The Center works to encourage excellence in research and publication by our faculty, and to recognize excellent research by students; to foster thoughtful discussion among faculty from all disciplines of current topics in science, especially as it relates to faith; to raise awareness among Union faculty and students of research and writing by members of the Union community; and to enhance comprehension of science among Christians in the wider community.

Center for Racial Reconciliation

Director: Frank Anderson

The purpose of the Center for Racial Reconciliation is to serve the University in its discovery, articulation, and implementation of strategies to promote racial and ethnic reconciliation, diversity, and unity to the glory of God.

Center for Worship

Director: Tony Cooper

The Purpose of the Center for Worship is to work in close partnership with the Department of Music to:

  • Provide guidance for the training of Worship Leaders;
  • Engage in on-campus ministry collaboration; 
  • Make meaningful connections with the local church and the Christian music industry; 
  • Establish strategic impact in society for the Glory of Jesus Christ, and; 
  • Promote research, writing, and scholarship in the field of worship. 

The Center for Worship hosts periodic conferences on matters of worship and works closely with the Department of Music to serve worship ministries throughout the United States through a strategic internship program.