Union University

Admission of Freshmen

Academic Requirements and Stipulations

An applicant for the freshman class must be a high school graduate with at least 20 units in Core Subjects. Core Subjects must include these minimum units: English, 4; Mathematics, 3; Social Sciences, 3; Natural Sciences, 3; Foreign Languages/Fine Arts, 2; with the balance being completed in approved electives. A state high school equivalency diploma will be accepted in lieu of a high school diploma. Additionally, students qualifying for Unconditional Admission to Union University must meet two of the following criteria:

  1. 22 ACT/1100 SAT (combined Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math)/72 Classical Learning Test
  2. 2.5 GPA
  3. Top 50% of Graduating Class

Students who qualify for Unconditional Admission must have a minimum of 18 ACT/960 SAT (combined Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math)/55 Classical Learning Test (CLT) and a 2.0 GPA regardless of whether or not either of these criteria were utilized to qualify for admission. These two criteria serve as a "floor" for Unconditional Admission.

Occasionally students who do not meet minimum criteria may be accepted with conditions. See Conditionally Admitted Students under Alternative Categories of Admission.

Before Acceptance to the Freshman Class may be granted, the applicant must also file the following information in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions:

  1. An admissions application and (non-refundable) application fee,
  2. An official ACT, CLT or SAT(R) report, and
  3. An official high school transcript.


Before registering for classes, the applicant must submit a $200 tuition deposit to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions to reserve a place in class. The deposit will apply to tuition charges. A residence life deposit of $100 is required to reserve an apartment on campus. An official transcript/record of all dual enrollment and advancement placement credits must be submitted. Even if withdrawal occurred prior to earning credits and even if those credits do not apply to the current degree being sought, official transcripts must be sent from each institution attended.

Upon high school graduation, freshmen accepted to the University must submit an official high school transcript verifying graduation.

The refund schedule and policies regarding deposits are detailed in the Financial Information section entitled “Refunds.”

Early Admission

Outstanding students may be enrolled in high school and Union as part-time students upon application with a minimum high school GPA of 3.5 considering all coursework and a minimum ACT composite score of 20, SAT 1030 (combined Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math), or 63 Classical Learning Test (CLT).

Outstanding seniors prior to high school graduation may be admitted as full-time students upon application and in consideration of:

  1. A minimum high school GPA of 3.5 considering all coursework,
  2. A minimum ACT composite score of 20, SAT 1030 (combined Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math), or 63 Classical Learning Test (CLT),
  3. A written endorsement from the principal detailing the one or two courses the principal will accept for completion of the high school diploma. Courses must be completed during the first year of enrollment at Union,
  4. Written endorsements from the high school counselor and student’s parents,
  5. An application on file with Undergraduate Admissions by April 1,
  6. All other freshman requirements for admission,
  7. An interview with the Admissions committee may be required, and
  8. It is the student’s responsibility to submit a Union transcript to the high school for awarding of the high school diploma.

Home School Admission and Enrollment Philosophy

Union University actively seeks to admit and enroll students with a home school background. Graduating students may be admitted to Union University as freshmen if they meet the same requirements as students from private and/or public high schools as listed under Admission of Freshmen. If a class rank is unavailable, home school students may be admitted without conditions provided they have a minimum ACT composite score of 22, 1100 SAT (combined Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math), or 72 Classical Learning Test (CLT) and a 2.5 GPA.