Union University

General Academic Policies and Procedures

Change of Classes

After registration, a student may change his/her schedule by obtaining proper forms from Union Station, securing the signature of his/her advisor, and processing forms at Union Station.

A fee of $10.00 will be charged for dropping a course after the start of classes. Exceptions may be made by the Registrar in instances beyond a student’s control. See the University Calendar for the last date for changes in schedules.

Dropping of Classes

Courses may be dropped without academic penalty after the period allowed under circumstances of extreme illness, in which case a physician’s certificate must be submitted and approved by the Registrar. Other circumstances beyond the student’s control may be approved by the Registrar.

Students discontinuing class attendance without the Registrar’s permission to drop will receive an “F” in those courses.

Registration for Courses as an Audit

Students may audit courses for personal enrichment on a space available basis. Registration must occur during the published period. The student will pay the audit and applicable materials fees. Audited courses do not apply toward a degree but will appear on the transcript without assignment of grade. The auditor may participate in the course as minimally or as fully as he/she chooses. The instructor may elect not to grade exams and other work of the auditor.

A student auditing a course may process drop/add forms to earn credit in the class no later than the “Last Day to Add” for the semester. A student enrolled in a course for credit may change to audit during the period allowed to drop a class. Deadlines are noted in the academic calendars for each semester published in the Catalogue.

Regulations Concerning Quantity of Work

The maximum hours recommended for any student is 18 for a fall or spring semester, 9 for accelerated 8-week sessions, and 7 for any of the three 4-week terms. However, a student who is highly motivated and has at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA may register for more than the suggested maximum credit hours with approval of the advisor and department chair or academic dean, and in consultation with the University Registrar.

Class Attendance

Regular and successive attendance is expected of all students enrolled in all lecture, laboratory, and seminar courses. Each faculty member is to determine the specific details for administering the attendance policy for his/her courses. Each faculty member is to clarify in the course syllabus the requirements. This statement is approved by the department chair and filed in the Office of the College/School Dean. Each faculty member is to counsel with any student whenever absences are affecting the student’s grade.

No faculty member is allowed to operate a system which penalizes a student for absences due solely to participation in an official college-sponsored activity which requires limited or occasional absences. However, the student must satisfy all testing, reporting, and required functions defined for the course.

Withdrawal From School

A student withdrawing from school, dropping all courses from a current semester or term, begins the process by completing “Withdraw From All Courses” via the Portal or mobile.uu.edu. Students will be allowed to withdraw through 11 weeks, or its term equivalent, and will receive notation on their academic transcript. The statement on the transcript will include the term of the withdrawal, the date of the withdrawal, and the amount of hours from which the student withdrew.

Voluntary withdrawal does not guarantee permission to readmit to the University nor does it automatically exclude the student from enrollment at a future date. Students who have withdrawn must check with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions regarding reenrollment.

A former Union University student having less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA from Union University or less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA from all institutions attended will be considered for readmission by the Undergraduate Admission/Readmissions Committee.  The student may be denied admission, readmitted with conditions, or readmitted under their prior academic standing at Union University.

Scholastic Regulations

The only acceptable level of work for graduation at Union University is 2.0 or above. Those who fail to achieve that level will be placed on academic probation. If the student achieves a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0, academic probation status will be immediately removed. If the student fails to achieve the 2.0 GPA, the status of academic probation lasts for two full semesters. While the student is on academic probation:

  1. An official notice will be sent to the student and to the academic advisor.
  2. The academic advisor will monitor the program of studies and will advise the repeating of any grades below C where applicable.
  3. The academic load will be limited to not more than fourteen hours. The Associate Registrar will assist with the schedule changes as needed. 

If by the end of the two probationary semesters a cumulative GPA of 2.0 has not been attained, the student will be suspended from the University for one full semester. There is no appeal permitted for this suspension. The suspension will be a full semester; either the fall or the spring. Colleges typically will not admit a student suspended from another college; however, if credit is earned at another institution while the student is suspended from Union, that credit is not applicable toward a degree at Union.

After serving the full semester of suspension, the student desiring to return will be required to apply for readmission to the Admissions Committee of the University. If readmitted, the student re-enters on academic probation and is again given two semesters to achieve the required cumulative 2.0 GPA. If the satisfactory standing is not achieved, the student will again be suspended from the University. 

Academic Integrity

Union University upholds the highest standards of honesty. By their enrollment at Union, students are agreeing to refrain from the use of unauthorized aids during testing (including but not limited to technology devices such as digital cameras, cellphone cameras, pen-based scanners, translation programs, and text messaging devices), to refuse to give or receive information on examinations, and to turn in only those assignments which are the result of their own efforts and research. Failure to provide correct documentation for material gleaned from any outside source, such as the Internet or any published/ unpublished work, constitutes plagiarism, a form of cheating subject to strict disciplinary action. Breaches of these standards warrant academic and disciplinary consequences. Policies and procedures, including appeal procedures, are detailed in the Campus Life Handbook.

Graduation Requirements for Bachelor’s Degree

Students may graduate under the course requirements specified in the Catalogue of the year of their admission or those at the time of their application for graduation. If five years have elapsed since a student’s latest enrollment in Union University, he/she may graduate either under the course requirements of the Catalogue of his/her readmission or those in force at the time of his/her application for graduation. Teacher Licensure requirements may alter graduation requirements as stated in the Catalogue for students seeking licensure.

Components of Graduation Requirements

Each bachelor’s degree awarded by Union University must contain the following components unless specifically exempted by the student’s choice of academic program:

General Core Curriculum

46 hours

Specific Core Curriculum

18-36 hours

Major Academic Program, minimum

30 hours

Minor Academic Program, minimum

18 hours

The completion of 128 hours usually requires four years of 32 hours per year. Of these, the freshman and sophomore years are usually spent in core curriculum. In the event 128 hours have not been met by the completion of the above components, elective courses or additional majors/minors must be earned to satisfy the balance.

Specific Core Requirements are required by all programs except the B.S.N., B.S.M.T. and B.M. degrees. Some restrictions apply toward the pairing of majors and degrees; the table of “Academic Programs” indicates those restrictions where applicable.


  • Complete at least one Graduation Audit appointment
  • File an application for graduation
  • Clear all accounts and conditions with school offices (incompletes, financial obligations, etc.)

Summary of Minimum Requirements for Graduation

These are overall minimums; individual programs may require a higher level of performance. Such programs are noted in their appropriate departmental section. This summary does not intend to be all inclusive nor should it imply entitlement. Greater detail is provided on each topic on the following pages.

Semester hours required for bachelor’s degree


of which, must be earned at Union University


of which, must be earned on the junior/senior level


one major, to include junior/senior hours**


one minor, to include junior/senior hours**


Grade Point Average: cumulative


Cumulative each major


Cumulative each minor


*Total credit hours to be earned at Union University to meet residency requirements.

**A second major may be earned in lieu of a minor. All major requirements are in effect for each major sought; all minor requirements are in effect for each minor sought.

Summary of Maximum Requirements for Graduation

Total semester hours applicable to graduation as earned by: 

Credit by exam, ACE, Seminary Extension


From non-baccalaureate colleges


By Independent Study


By Special Study


By Internship


By Cooperative Education


By Study Abroad


Second Bachelor’s Degree

Students who have earned a bachelor’s degree through a regionally accredited college or university may complete a second bachelor’s degree by completing a new major and its prerequisites. The new hours presented for the second degree must total no less than 30 hours and include 15 upper-level hours earned in the major in residence. 

Minimum Residence

For each undergraduate degree granted by Union University, at least 25% of the hours required must be earned through instruction by Union University. The last 12 hours must be earned at Union University except in pre-professional programs. 

A student seeking an undergraduate degree through Union may not transfer credit from a junior/community college after the student has earned 70 hours. Any deviation from these policies must be authorized in writing by the Registrar. See also “Concurrent Enrollment.”

Credit by Exam

A maximum of 32 semester hours toward graduation by credit by examination may be accepted. 

Credit-by-exam attempts can be made no later than the student’s next to last full semester preceding graduation. Students planning to graduate in the spring and summer must complete all testing no later than December 1 in the previous fall semester. Students planning to graduate in the fall must complete all testing no later than May 1 in the previous spring semester. Students in the Teacher Education Program must complete testing in the next to last semester preceding Student Teaching.

Any variance must be approved in advance by the Registrar in writing.

Credit by Testing Deadlines

Advanced Placement of the College Board and International Baccalaureate examinations can only be taken within the secondary school setting at the time of the advanced coursework. 

CLEP and DANTES testing attempts can be made no later than the student’s next to last full semester preceding graduation. Students planning to graduate in the spring and summer must complete all testing no later than December 1 in the previous fall semester. Students planning to graduate in the fall must complete all testing no later than May 1 in the previous spring semester. Registration for testing is limited and reporting time may vary; students should make plans and register accordingly. 

Receipt of official reports varies. CLEP requires at least 3 weeks for results to be reported, and DANTES, 5 weeks. Reporting is outside the control of the Testing Center and may take longer than these projections. A report from the Registrar is sent to the student to verify results and equate to Union curriculum.

Tests can be taken at any cooperating testing facility with orders for the official report to be sent to Union University. On campus testing at Union will follow the published schedule available at www.uu.edu/academics/testing.

Application for Graduation

Application for graduation should be filed in Self-Service during the fall semester prior to spring/summer graduation, or spring semester prior to fall graduation. Graduation applicants not completing all requirements by the last day of final exams of the graduation semester or term will be moved to the next appropriate graduation date.

Before any student can file an application for graduation, the student must have had an appointment with a Degree Auditor or the Director of Educator Preparation for a Graduation Audit. Students can apply for a Graduation Audit after they have earned 72 credit hours. 

Faculty Approval

All candidates for graduation must be approved by the faculty. All conditions—transfer credit, incomplete grades, and chapel attendance deficiencies—should be removed by the opening of the last semester.

Final Examinations

Comprehensive final examinations are required of all students in all courses where content is appropriate. The final examination time is listed with the University calendar. A student with three or more finals on one day may request one of his/her professors to reschedule one examination, to another time during finals week, provided the request precedes the last week of class. If the student and the professor cannot resolve the scheduling problem, the student should take his/ her request to the Registrar.

Concurrent Enrollment

Students seeking credit for courses taken at other colleges and universities while enrolled full-time at Union University must obtain written approval from the registrar. Concurrent enrollment is rarely approved and only under exceptional circumstances. Approval is sought by completing the “transfer of credit application” located on the portal. Requesting approval does not guarantee approval.

Transfer of Credit

Students seeking to transfer credit from other colleges and universities must follow these guidelines: the last 12 hours must be earned through Union University; after earning 70 hours, transferring credits from a junior/community college is not allowed unless prior, written approval has been obtained.

Approval is sought by completing the “transfer of credit application” located on the portal. Requesting approval does not guarantee approval. 

Students are strongly encouraged to verify transferability of a course prior to enrolling in the course even if the circumstance is not one listed above.

Concurrent enrollment is rarely approved and only under exceptional circumstances. 

Health Professions: Pre-Professional and Professional Curricula/Liberal Arts Professional Degrees

Pre-professional programs providing the background to apply for entrance into the health professions programs listed below are available through Union University.


Dental Hygiene 
Health Information Management
Occupational  Therapy
Physical Therapy
Physician Assistant
Veterinary Medicine

Information regarding the specific requirements for each may be obtained from the Health Professions Advisory Committee (HPAC). Requirements for The University of Tennessee professional programs are available as well as for other professional schools.

Students who have completed coursework required for entrance into a professional health program are evaluated by the HPAC. The evaluation summarizes input from Union personnel concerning the student’s class performance and accomplishments, motivation, responsibility, capabilities, and character before making its recommendation to the professional school.

Students who complete the pre-professional requirements, core curriculum, and degree requirements, including major and minor requirements, and 3 years of residence acceptable to Union before entering the professional school may receive the B.S. degree from Union University upon completing one year in an approved professional school. The competitive nature of these programs is such that students are urged to complete the B.S. degree before entering the professional school.