Union University

Affiliations with Other Agencies and Institutions

Consortium for Global Education (CGE)

The Consortium for Global Education is an association of nearly 50 private U.S. colleges and universities committed to the development of international education. See the Center for Intercultural Engagement for more details.

Study Abroad Affiliate Agreements

Union University has contract agreements for direct billing and concurrent enrollment with the following program providers: AIFS, CEA, GEO, IFSA-Butler, ISA, Living and Learning International, and Salzburg College.

College Articulation Agreements

Union University has articulation agreements (transfer guidelines) with several colleges including Jackson State Community College and Dyersburg State Community College. The agreements determine which credit courses will transfer as equivalent courses at Union University and which will receive elective credits.

Cross-Campus Agreement

The consortium agreement of Freed-Hardeman University, University of Memphis Lambuth, and Union University allows a student enrolled at one of these universities to take an undergraduate course at either of them. The student obtains permission to do so, pays tuition, and receives credit at his/ her “home college” where he/she is a degree-seeking registrant; the term “host college” is used for the institution attended for limited purposes in order to further his program in his home college.

Students may seek enrollment in a host school for the following reasons:

  1. Course scheduling difficulties, or
  2. Special programs are available at only one institution.

Additional information is available in the Academic Center.

Logos Library Agreements and Partnerships

The Library participates in several formal agreements and partnerships with other libraries and library organizations to extend its service base. These local, state, and regional cooperative library programs greatly enhance student and faculty access to materials and facilitate the sharing of resources. These agreements include the West Tennessee Academic Library Consortium, Tenn-Share, Lyrasis, the Association of Christian Librarians, the Christian Library Consortium, and Waldo. The library is an active participant in the nationwide OCLC and DOCLINE interlibrary loan systems and Tennessee’s statewide courier, Firefly. These agreements and partnerships afford cooperative ventures with colleagues, their institutional resources and further enhance the library services and resource collections offered to the Union University community.

Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies

Union is affiliated with Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies. Au Sable Institute’s mission is to inspire and educate people to serve, protect, and restore God’s earth. Several field-based courses in the environmental sciences are available (see Department of Biology section of the catalogue). Interested students should check with the faculty representative within the Department of Biology for details. 

Medical Technology/Clinical Laboratory Science Agreements

Programs under these agreements are accredited by the Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation of the American Medical Association upon recommendation of the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS). Each is at least 12 months in duration with Union granting 59 semester hours toward the Union baccalaureate degree for which the student is a candidate. Union offers prerequisite courses for a major in Medical Technology/ Clinical Laboratory Science at Union sufficient to fulfill the minimum requisites for admission to the Medical Technology/ Clinical Laboratory Science Program. Qualified students may sit for the certifying examination of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Board of Registry.