Union University

Discipline-Specific Honors

Discipline-specific Honors provides juniors and seniors with an opportunity to pursue high-level, funded research in their majors under the direct supervision of a faculty mentor. Students interested in Discipline-specific Honors typically apply to the program in the spring of the sophomore or fall of the junior year. Eligible students must have a cumulative 3.5 GPA and meet any additional department-specific requirements. To graduate with Discipline-specific Honors, students must satisfy Honors colloquium requirements in their junior and senior years, complete 12 hours of Honors contract courses in the major, produce an Honors project/thesis in their major, maintain a 3.5 cumulative GPA, and fulfill any other requirements established by the department. Students admitted into Discipline-specific Honors have access to research and travel funds to support the production and presentation of their Honors work. For more information on Discipline-specific Honors in your major, consult your departmental advisor.