Union University

Major in Social Work with Discipline-Specific Honors

The School of Social Work's Discipline Specific Honors program will provide a space for students to critically reflect upon social work theories, skills, and interventions, and strengthen their research skills in order to facilitate change in generalist social work practice. Honors students will gain a depth of knowledge and skills that is beyond a typical undergraduate in the BSW Program.

Admission Requirements:

In order for a student to pursue the School of Social Work Discipline Specific Program, they must meet the following requirements:

  1. 3.5 GPA in required social work courses for the major
  2. Completion of the following courses:
  3. Transfer students must complete at least one semester at Union University prior to application which includes at least one course in the social work major
  4. Students interested in the DSH program in Social Work must submit their applications to the BSW Program Director prior to the beginning of their junior year. The application will then be reviewed by the School of Social Work faculty and, if approved, forwarded to the Honors Community.


Upon admission into the program, each honors student will be assigned an honors advisor within the School of Social Work to guide the honors student throughout the program, collaborate with the student and professors in creation of the honors contract, communicate with the Director of the honors community, and advise the student on his/her research or community project.

By the end of the fall semester of their junior year, students must propose a general research topic or community project/ program in order to register for subsequent honors contracted classes. Students may modify their final project topics up to the beginning of the fall semester of their senior year.

If the student demonstrates noncompliance with the mutually agreed upon honors project timeline or submits a project that is identified as "probationary" according to the rubric, the honors advisor will meet with the student and BSW Program Director to review and sign a probationary agreement that was created by the honors advisor and BSW Program Director, If the student does not compliance with the probationary agreement, the student will meet with the BSW Program Director and honors advisor and receive a letter of dismissal from the School of Social Work's DSH program.

Social work majors will complete the following courses as honors contracted courses*

  • SW 421: Research Methods in Social Work Practice
  • SW 401: Social Work Practice with Individuals, Families, and Groups
  • SW 402: Social Work Practice with Organizations, Communities, and Government SW 423: Senior Seminar

*Substitutions are allowed if agreed upon by the honors advisor and BSW Program Director.

The final product of the School of Social Work Discipline Specific Honors Track will be either:

  1. A high-quality research project
  2. A project or program that the student creates for a social service agency or other approved setting

All students will present their final product at one of the following:

  1. Union University Spring Scholarship Symposium
  2. A social work academic conference (e.g., NACSW, NASW, CSWE, TCSW, etc.)
  3. If the project or program option is selected, a meeting of stakeholders or community leaders.

Graduation Requirements:

  1. Maintain 3.5 GPA in the major.
  2. Complete each honors contracted course with a B or higher.
  3. Present final project at Union University Scholarship Symposium or other approved event.