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2023-24 Undergraduate Catalogue
2023-24 Undergraduate Catalogue
SPA - Spanish
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An Overview of the University
2023-2024 Undergraduate Calendar
Student Life
Academic Program
Adult Studies
Financial Information
Center for Intercultural Engagement
Centers of the University
Graduate Studies
Board of Trustees
College of Arts and Sciences
McAfee School of Business
College of Education
School of Social Work
School of Adult and Professional Studies
Memphis College of Urban and Theological Studies
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
College of Pharmacy
School of Theology and Missions
The Honors Community
Institute for Intellectual Discipleship
ACC - Accounting
ALNG - Applied Linguistics
APS - Associate Professional Studies
APSY - Applied Psychology
ARA - Arabic
ART - Art
AT - Athletic Training
BAD - Business Administration
BIO - Biology
BLAW - Business Law
BSOL - BS Organizational Leadership
CCS - Cross-Cultural Studies
CDV - Community Development
CHE - Chemistry
CHR - Christian Studies
CMP - Computer
CMU - Commercial Music
COM - Communication Arts
CSC - Computer Science
DMS - Digital Media Studies
ECO - Economics
ECON - Economic Reasoning
EDU - Education
EGR - Engineering
ENG - English
ENGL - English Studies
ENT - Entrepreneurship
FIN - Finance
FRE - French
GEO - Geography
GER - German
GRK - Greek
HBR - Hebrew
HIS - History
HIST - Historical Reasoning
HON - Honors
ICS - Intercultural Studies
LANG - Language Studies
LAT - Latin
LDR - Leadership
LFS - Life Skills
LIT - Literature
MAT - Mathematics
MCUTS - Urban Theological Studies
MDT - Medical Technology
MGT - Management
MKT - Marketing
MUS - Music
NPL - Nonprofit Leadership
NUR - Nursing
PHL - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
PSC - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
SCI - Science
SE - Special Education
SIG - Sign Language
SOC - Sociology
SOSC - Social Science
SPA - Spanish
SPA 311
SPA 312
SPA 313
SPA 314
SPA 316
SPA 317
SPA 318
SPA 319
SPA 320
SPA 325
SPA 330
SPA 350
SPA 359
SPA 360
SPA 380
SPA 395
SPA 396
SPE - Speech
STAT - Statistics
SW - Social Work
TESL - Teach English As 2nd Language
THEO - Theology
UNI - University Studies
WL - Worship Leadership
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2023-24 Undergraduate Catalogue
2023-24 Graduate Catalogue
SPA 311
Survey of Spanish Literature
SPA 312
Survey of Spanish Literature
SPA 313
Advanced Conversation
SPA 314
Spanish Conversation and Cinema
SPA 316
Survey of Spanish American Literature to The 19th Century
SPA 317
Survey of Spanish American Literature From the 19th Century
SPA 318
Historical Perspectives of the Hispanic World: Spain
SPA 319
Historical Perspectives of the Hispanic World
SPA 320
Spanish for Professioinal Contexts
SPA 325
Phonetics and Diction
SPA 330
Advanced Grammar I
SPA 350
Instructional Methodology
SPA 359
Service Learning Immersion Experience
SPA 360
Language Immersion
SPA 380
Study Abroad Programs
SPA 395
Special Studies
SPA 396
Special Studies