Union University

School of Education

Program Directors

Nancy Cherry (2005). Associate Dean and Chair, Teaching and Learning, Professor of Education, and Director for Masters Programs in Education—Jackson. B.S., Union University; M.Ed., University of Memphis; Ed.S. and Ed.D., Union University.

Linda Campbell (2018). Assistant Dean—Germantown, Director for the M.A.Ed. Program and Associate Professor of Educational Leadership. B.S., University of Memphis; M.Ed. in Educational Leadership and M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction, University of Mississippi; Ed.S. and Ed.D, Union University.

Andrew Courtner (2020). Associate Dean and Chair, Department of Educational Leadership, and Associate Professor; Director of Educational Specialist and Doctor of Education Programs; Director of Rosebrough Center for Educational Practice. B.S.B.A., Union University; M.B.A., Post University; M.Ed., Kent State University; Ed.D., Union University; Ph.D., Tennessee Technological University.

Rebecca Holloway (2022). Director for The Union EDGE Program. B.S., Union University; M.A., Dallas Baptist University.

Teresa Tritt (2018). Director for Educator Preparation and Associate Professor of Education. B.S., Lambuth University; M.A.Ed., Ed.S., and Ed.D., Union University.


Michele Atkins (1998-2005; 2006). Associate Provost for Accreditation and Research, Title IX Coordinator, and Professor of Education. B.S., Union University; M.Ed., Ed.S., and Ph.D., University of Memphis.

Kyle Butler (2021). Professor of Education. B.S. and M.S., Eastern Illinois University; Ph.D., Southern Illinois University.

Mandy Cates (2018). Director for Accreditation and Assessment and Assistant Professor of Education. B.S., Union University; M.A.Ed., Bethel University.

Eric Marvin (2010). Professor of Education. B.A., Fresno Pacific University; Ed.D., M.Ed., Harding University; Ed.D., University of Memphis.

Melessia E. Mathis (1998). Assistant Professor of Education and Director of Clinical Experiences. B.S., University of Alabama; M.Ed., University of Memphis.

Ben T. Phillips (2010) Professor of Educational Leadership B.S., Freed-Hardeman University; M.S. and Ed.D., University of Memphis.


Matt Bowman (2018). Director of Graduate Admissions and Recruitment. B.S., Union University; M.A., Liberty University.

Marcia Joyner (2010). Coordinator for Educational Leadership Programs—Jackson, School of Education.

Patti Todd (1996). Program Coordinator—Educator Preparation Program and Secretary, School of Education. B.S.O.L., Union University.

Christy Wyatt (1998). Coordinator, Graduate Studies in Education—Jackson.

Mission Statement

With Christ as our center, we develop educational leaders whose mission is to transform lives.

Vision Statement

We will be the school of choice for transformational teaching, missional service, dynamic leadership, and impactful scholarship.


The Teaching and Learning major prepares teachers to teach typically developing elementary-age students. The major leads to initial licensure with the elementary K-5 endorsement and includes a year-long internship. Students have the option of adding the Early Childhood (PreK–3) endorsement. All students choosing the Teaching and Learning major must also complete Interdisciplinary Studies as a second major. The Interdisciplinary Studies major gives students the necessary content to teach in the elementary grades. The Special Education major prepares students to teach special needs youth as an interventionist in K–8 and/or 6–12 and Comprehensive Special Education (K-12) and includes a year-long internship.

Completers of the Teaching and Learning major with the Interdisciplinary Studies major or the Special Education major with a professional education minor, together with the general education core, comprise the academic course requirements for a teaching degree at Union University. All transfer students must complete the year-long internship with co-requisite courses.

Assessment of Majors

Admission to and continuation in the Educator Preparation Program, the PRAXIS II examination, and edTPA are integral parts of the assessment of Education majors.

Student Organizations

Kappa Delta Pi, international Honor Society in Education, is dedicated to scholarship and excellence in education.

The Student Tennessee Education Association is composed of students on the campus who are preparing to teach. Its purpose is to offer its members all the opportunities, responsibilities, and privileges of the National Education Association and the Tennessee Education Association and to acquaint future teachers with the history, ethics, and program of the organized teaching profession.

Student Awards

The Dorothy Woodard Myatt Intern of the Year Award is presented to that student who, in the judgment of the School of Education, has demonstrated to the highest degree in both the college and preparatory classrooms those skills and attributes held to be characteristic of outstanding certified classroom teachers and who shows greatest promise of achieving this status in years to come. An award is given to one elementary, one secondary and one special education intern.