Union University

Department of Sociology and Family Studies


Phil Davignon (2014). Associate Professor of Sociology and Department Chair. B.A., Hillsdale College; M.A. and Ph.D., Baylor University.

Matt Henderson (2017). Associate Professor of Sociology. B.S., University of Houston; M.A. University of Houston; M.A. and Ph.D., Baylor University.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Department is to provide students with a broad background in the study of society and human relationships from a Christian perspective, to enable them to enter graduate programs or entry level positions in their respective discipline.

Assessment of Majors

Both Sociology and Family Studies students have the option to round out their program with either SOC 498: Senior Capstone Seminar or SOC 411: Internship. When doing a capstone, senior students engage in original research which draws upon theoretical knowledge acquired in their research methods and theory classes. A major original research paper and oral presentation are the cumulative outcomes of the 498 course. The topic will be focused on a family topic for Family Studies students.

For those students who choose to participate in an internship, SOC 411 gives them the opportunity to apply knowledge from their coursework, clarify their own professional objectives, and gain professional experience in an approved community organization or agency. They will be required to complete a substantive term paper as part of their internship which will incorporate the theories and topics learned throughout their program.
