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2023-24 Graduate Catalogue
2023-24 Graduate Catalogue
EDU - Education
» 600
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An Overview of the University
2023-2024 Academic Calendar
College of Arts and Sciences
McAfee School of Business
College of Education
School of Social Work
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
College of Pharmacy
School of Theology and Missions
Board of Trustees
APPE - Adv Pharmacy Practice Expernc
AT - Athletic Training
BIO - Biology
CHE - Chemistry
COM - Communication Arts
CSC - Computer Science
EDR - Education Research
EDS - Educational Specialist
EDU - Education
EDU 600
EDU 601
EDU 602
EDU 604
EDU 605
EDU 606
EDU 607
EDU 608
EDU 610
EDU 611
EDU 612
EDU 613
EDU 614
EDU 615
EDU 616
EDU 617
EDU 618
EDU 619
EDU 620
EDU 621
EDU 622
EDU 623
EDU 624
EDU 625
EDU 626
EDU 627
EDU 628
EDU 629
EDU 630
EDU 631
EDU 632
EDU 633
EDU 634
EDU 635
EDU 636
EDU 637
EDU 638
EDU 639
EDU 640
EDU 641
EDU 642
EDU 643
EDU 644
EDU 645
EDU 646
EDU 647
EDU 648
EDU 650
EDU 651
EDU 652
EDU 653
EDU 654
EDU 655
EDU 657
EDU 658
EDU 659
EDU 660
EDU 661
EDU 662
EDU 663
EDU 664
EDU 665
EDU 667
EDU 668
EDU 669
EDU 671
EDU 672
EDU 675
EDU 676
EDU 677
EDU 678
EDU 680
EDU 685
EDU 690
EDU 695
ENG - English
GEO - Geography
HIS - History
LANG - Language Studies
LSC - Library Science
MACC - Master of Accountancy
MAT - Mathematics
MCS - Master Christian Studies
MUS - Music
MUT - Music Technology
Narrative Courses
NUR - Nursing
PHRM - Pharmacy
PHY - Physics
PMACC - Prereq for MACC Admission
PMBA - PreReq for MBA Admission
PSC - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
SE - Special Education
SOC - Sociology
SW - Social Work
TESL - Teach English As 2nd Language
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2023-24 Undergraduate Catalogue
2023-24 Graduate Catalogue
EDU 600
Comnity Involv to Improve Sch
EDU 601
Leadership, Organizations, and Change
EDU 602
Technology-Rich Learning
EDU 604
Teaching in a Pluralistic Society
EDU 605
Teacher Effectiveness
EDU 606
Accountability for Greater Student Learning
EDU 607
Alternative Assessment
EDU 608
Learning Theories Into Practice
EDU 610
History and Philosophy of Education
EDU 611
Differentiated Instruction
EDU 612
Literacy Across the Curriculum
EDU 613
Brain-Based Learning
EDU 614
Learning Theories and Styles
EDU 615
Seminar and Workshop in Economic Education
EDU 616
Children and Literature
EDU 617
Positive Discipline
EDU 618
Advanced Literacy Strategies I
EDU 619
Teaching and Worldview Thinking
EDU 620
Curriculum Development and Implementation
EDU 621
Faith and Ethics in Educational Leadership
EDU 622
Mentoring Seminar I
EDU 623
Mentoring Seminar A
EDU 624
Curriculum and School Improvement
EDU 625
Classroom Management
EDU 626
Reading in the Content Area
EDU 627
Mentoring Seminar B
EDU 628
Mentoring Seminar C
EDU 629
Current Research in Early Childhood Education
EDU 630
The School and Community Relations
EDU 631
Teachg Reading/Language Arts Elem School
EDU 632
Elementary Science and Social Studies Methods
EDU 633
Evaluation of Reading Programs and Instruction
EDU 634
School Facilities
EDU 635
Teachg Mathematics in Elementary School
EDU 636
Developing Educator Capacity Through Professional Learning
EDU 637
Leading the Secondary Environment
EDU 638
Middle Grades Education
EDU 639
Teacher Effectiveness
EDU 640
Special Studies in Education
EDU 641
Trends in Curric & Schl Reform
EDU 642
Intensive Studies in the Content Area
EDU 643
Methods and Designs for Classroom Research
EDU 644
Elementary Science and Social Studies Methods
EDU 645
Advanced Literacy Strategies II
EDU 646
Planning for the Early Childhood Environment
EDU 647
Faith and Ethics in Education
EDU 648
Engaging Diversity in School Cultures
EDU 650
Educational Measurement and Evaluation
EDU 651
Reading Assessment, Diagnosis, and Intervention
EDU 652
Performance Exhibition
EDU 653
Leadership Issues I: Theories and Strategies
EDU 654
Legal and Financial Issues In School Governance
EDU 655
Independent Study
EDU 657
Inclusionary Practices
EDU 658
Writing Across the Curriculum
EDU 659
EDU 660
Issues and Trends in Education
EDU 661
Leadership Practicum Summer
EDU 662
Leadership Practicum Fall (divided Into Three 1-HOUR Sections Such As Current Ed.S./Ed.D. Practicum)
EDU 663
Leadership Practicum Spring
EDU 664
Organizational Decision-Making
EDU 665
Research Design
EDU 667
Resident Internship in the Secondary School
EDU 668
Resident Internship in the Elementary School
EDU 669
Literacy Practicum
EDU 671
Standards, Strategies, and Students
EDU 672
Teacher Leadership
EDU 675
Capstone Research Seminar
EDU 676
Captone Seminar: Curriculum Issues in Urban Settings
EDU 677
Resident Student Teaching in the Elementary School
EDU 678
Resident Student Teaching in the Secondary School
EDU 680
Research in Education a
EDU 685
Research in Education B
EDU 690
Thesis A
EDU 695
Thesis B